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The dates mark different events in the creation, ratification and operation of the Constitution. Legally, the original Articles of the Constitution didn't go into effect until March 4, 1789; the Bill of Rights went into effect when it was ratified on December 15, 1791.

May 1787 Delegates arrived at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to begin work on the Constitution

September 17, 1787 Constitution completed and adopted by Convention

June 21, 1788 Constitution ratified by the States

March 4, 1789 Date Constitution went into effect, by prior agreement

September 25, 1789 Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 - 10) proposed and adopted

December 15, 1791 Bill of Rights ratified by the States

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Q: Why do some sources say that March 4 1789 is the date the Constitution became the supreme law of the nation and not 1787 or 1788?
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