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Q: Why do we pasteurize tomato paste not just evaporate it?
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How would you substitute tomato paste for tomato sauce in barbecue sauce recipe?

Tomato paste is more concentrated than tomato sauce, so I would just add a little water until it is of sauce-like consistency. Alison Matsen from Delaware

What is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato puree?

The difference between a fruit sauce and a fruit puree is that a fruit puree is fruit that has been pureed so you are left with the juice and pulp of the fruit. A fruit sauce is fruit with other ingredients used to make the sauce.

Can tomato sauce be used as tomato paste?

You can boil down tomato sauce on the stove. You can also blend crushed or whole tomatoes and boil down to 2/3s the sauce.

What is a sub for condensed tomato soup in a recipe?

Tomato paste with water as necessary, or tomato sauce.

How do you make tomato paste out of tomato sauce?

Adding some water or vegetable oil to a pot of tomato paste and stirring over very low heat for a few minutes is the best way to make tomato sauce out of tomato paste. Adding a few herbs or spices for flavor is good, too.

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How long can you leave out tomato sauce before it goes bad?

You should keep foods out of the danger zone to prevent bacteria from forming on foods. Bacteria can form on foods in the danger zone after just an hour. The danger zone is under 145 degrees and over 45 degrees.

What can i use Substitute tomato puree?

Blanch then peel, seed and crush three times the required volume of fresh tomatoes. Simmer gently for 6-8 hours to reduce volume to 1/3, or required consistency then season carefully to taste. This method will save no money at all, nor improve quality and will consume the best part of a day. Personally, I just buy the cans of paste.

Do you know of any good spaghetti recipes?

Yea, spaghetti with tuna and tomatoes, just cook the spaghetti with tomato paste then throw in fresh tomatoes then add some tuna, I just had it a few nights ago.

How much tomato paste is healthy on a pizza?

i think you should be more worried about the amount of cheese or processed meat you're putting on rather than the tomato paste. The tomato sauce is probably the healthiest thing on there. Also, I make homemade pizza quite a lot and have a great recipe for pizza sauce, rather than just using tomato paste. Fry up one choppedonion and 3/4 cloves of chopped garlic. Then add 1 tablespoon of dried basil and one tablespoon of dried oregano. Fry for a little bit then add 1 carton/500ml of passata and 2 small tins of tomato puree. Then add salt and pepper and half a small tin of water (tin from tomato puree). Simmer for ten mins then blend smooth. Makes a big batch that you can divide up and freeze for future use.

Should you use heirloom tomatoes Roma tomatoes or tomatoes on the vine to produce the least seeds for making a seedless tomato sauce?

The 'Roma' tomato is not an heirloom. It is however an open pollinated, so it is somewhat like an heirloom, just not old enough to fit the category. 'Roma' is a very good tomato for sauces as is the 'Amish Paste' heirloom tomato. Both of them have very little seed and meaty flesh which is what you want for doing up tomato sauces and salsa.

Can you substitute tomato sauce for tomato paste?

It is possible, but such a substitution is not always a great idea as tomato paste has a much more concentrated, stronger flavor and has less moisture. So the recipe with the replacement of tomato sauce will be more liquidy and have less of a tomato flavor to it.