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  • Etiquette with women sitting is to put your feet side by side with your knees together. It's not lady-like to sit with legs apart while wearing a dress; suit or skirt. It is still used in business such as interviews; meetings etc., but when relaxing women can often put their feet up (just like men can do) cross their legs or put one leg under them and leave one leg dangling. Some women may feel more relaxed (have jeans on or slacks) sitting in a Yoga position with legs under them while sitting and crossed.
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14y ago
  • Proper etiquette even today in social events of importance is to sit with their feet and knees together and look poised because it is not etiquette for a woman to sit with her legs apart giving a good view for all to see (whether she is wearing pink panties or the latest fade of underwear.) While relaxing at home or with good friends women can sit with one leg under them while the other is on the floor or some younger will often sit a Yoga position with both legs wrapped under them.
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Q: Why do women bring their knees together?
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Lie on the floor with a rolled up towel under your lower back. Bring both knees together and feet flat on the floor. Move both knees to the left for 5 secs and then back to centre, then move both knees to the right for 5 secs and back to centre. Hold for a few secs at either side. Then bring both knees towards your chest for 5 secs and back to centre. Hold for a few secs at chest. Try these exercises and see how you get on.