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This could be due to a hormonal imbalance. You will need to see your doctor for this.

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Q: Why do you keep spotting after your period should be over with?
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Can you still have and spotting after period is over?


Is it normal to begin spotting a few days after a period appears to be completely over?

If the spotting is brown blood then this is simply left over blood from your period.

Is Brown spotting 2 weeks after period is over normal?

no not normal

What does it mean if you are spotting one week before your period is due and only when you pick up something over 20 pounds?

nothing... the spotting is light flow

Spotting lasts 7 days period or pregnancy?

I'm not a doctor, but I am a mother. You can spot during pregnancy as well as have a regular period during pregnancy. I would suggest waiting three weeks from the missed period and take an over the counter pregnancy test. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss this with them.

Your period is 5 days late you have bad cramps tired hungrey and moody and you thought you just satred your period its very light like a pink clolr is that your period or am you just spotting?

Well you might be over reacting or you are so exited to have your period that your seeing things. I would just wait a few more days and see how it goes if it is still there you are just spotting.

What does it mean if you spot after your period and the blood is very dark red or black?

Spotting after your period can mean the following things: * Left over blood from your period. * Old blood. * Urinary tract infection. * Pregnancy related. * Vaginal infection. * Irregular period. answer sounds to me that was left over period blood no need to worry. -

How do you know the difference between early pregnancy spotting and a light period?

There may not be much difference although implantation spotting (if you have it) is usually just that, a few spots only, whereas a light period is steady over a few days. answer There is 2 bleedings you can have in pregnancy one called spotting and one called Implantation bleeding. Implantation blood can last from 1-2 days its just a spot of blood. Spotting can last a few days up to 6 days and it just a light period I got told but proper light.

Does the cycle start after your period is over or during?

The first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period. You onlystart counting on the first day you see true bleeding, don't count from when you start spotting.

You had 3 days of brown spotting before proper blood started is that the day you count from?

you only count days with blood spotting, the brown spotting may occur when you change your diet or over exercise your self. i asked my doctor about the 14th day brown spotting and she said its nothing to be worried about, i guess that should apply to your case.

Something that will keep its worth over a period of times can be used as a?

An investment.

What is light Brown spotting only when wiping?

Hi, Your question is: What is light brown spotting only when wiping? Brown spotting is old blood and can indicate several things: * UTI * Vaginal infection * Left over blood from your period * Pregnancy * Withdrawal bleed from birth control * Spotting due to morning after pill