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It adds a little flavor, but mainly protects the seeds from sticking and burning when they are in contact with a hot pan.

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Q: Why do you need to use olive oil when you are making roasted pumpkin seeds?
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Why do people do not eat pumpkin?

yeah they do. One example is pumpkin pie. Or roasted pumpkin seeds.

How many carbohydrates in pumpkin seeds?

Carbohydrates in pumpkin seedsThere are: ROASTEDapprox 15 carbohydrates in each ounce or 28 g of roasted pumpkin seedsapprox 15 carbohydrates in one serving, about 85 seeds, of roasted pumpkin seedsapprox 34 carbohydrates in one cup of roasted pumpkin seedsRAWapprox 5 carbohydrates in each ounce or 28 g of raw pumpkin seedsapprox 4 carbohydrates in three tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds.

Does SIC 2068 include sunflower seeds?

Salted or roasted sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other seeds are also included in this category

How do you make roasted pumpkin seeds?

Roasted pumpkin seeds are made by scrapping and scooping out the pumpkin insides and separating the seeds in warm water. After they are rinsed off from all the pumpkin pulp, they can be boiled in salty water if salting is desired. Once mostly dried, they can be toasted (fried in a pan with a little butter til they darken) or roasted in an oven at 200 degrees or higher, laid flat in a pan with seasoning and a light coating of oil to prevent burning.

What is the angle of repose of pumpkin seeds?

The angle of repose of pumpkin seeds would be different depending on whether they are freshly removed from the pumpkin, whether they have been cleaned, whether they have been dried, and whether they have been "roasted."

Can pumpkin seeds be roasted with pumpkin pie?

Normally, a pumpkin pie would be cooked at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-60 minutes, depending on your recipe. Pumpkin seeds would be tossed with some oil and salt and then roasted on a cookie sheet at a higher temperature, maybe 400 degrees, for 10 to 15 minutes until just browned. You certainly CAN put the pumpkin seeds in at the same time as the pie, but it will probably slow down the cooking of the pie and the seeds both, and the seeds might not brown as nicely (they might also get soggy). But there's no harm in trying.

What is the importance of pumpkin parts?

it really depends on what you need it for. For pumpkin pie you want to use the inside 'meat' part of it, but if you want to make roasted pumpkin seeds then use the seeds. Look up the recipe for what you want and it should say what part of the pumpkin you should use!

What are 3 ways pumpkins are used in America?

pumpkin pie, carving, and making salted pumpkin seeds.

How pumpkins used?

They are used, among other things, to make jack-o-lanterns, pumpkin pie, the seeds are roasted and eaten, etc.

Which part of pumpkin is edible?


What part of the pumpkin do pumpkin seeds grow from?

Seeds are found in the gooey inside of the pumpkin.

What has phosphorus in it?

Foods that are high in phosphorus are: Rice and oat bran Pumpkin, squash and watermelon seeds Sunflower seeds Toasted wheat germ Sesame seeds and Tahini (sesame butter) Brazil and pine nuts Roasted soybeans Flax seeds Bacon