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During the Founding Period of American History, slavery was a controversial issue among the Founders themselves, as well as throughout the nation, because of the simple fact that opinions about it had been strongly formed and were quite strongly held. Furthermore, the livelihood of many of the Founders depended on slave-holding. Still further, the issue was tied closely at that time, as it would be in the next century, to the tangled and vitally important issue of 'states' rights.'

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Q: Why do you think the issue of slavery was controversial when framing the Constitution?
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There were many people that opposed slavery. For this reason it was necessary to include a section that banned slavery for the passing of the US Constitution to go through..

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The constitution should prohibit the states from participating in the international slave trade.

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Slavery was a somewhat controversial issue at the time. The economies of the southern colonies relied on the institution, and they would never have agreed to join a nation where one of the stated aims was to eliminate it.

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The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the territory. However the ordinance did allow for indentured servants to be held in the territory. The US Constitution did not prohibit slavery at that time.

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The LeCompton Constitution was a proposed pro-slavery constitution for Kansas that would have allowed slavery and protected existing slaveholders. It was highly controversial because it was seen as undemocratic, as it did not allow the people of Kansas to vote on the issue of slavery. It was ultimately rejected by Congress.

What issue kept some people from agreeing to the new constitution?

The most divisive issue in the creation of the new US constitution, following the Revolutionary War, was the issue of slavery. Of course, this remained a divisive issue until after the Civil War.

The Dred Scott decision on the issue of slavery upheld the Southern viewpoint that?

...slavery was protected by the constitution on the grounds that a man's property was sacred and slaves were property.

What was the most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention?

not everyone agreed on it and others wanted it others didnt and they got judged cuz of their thoughts

What is the relationship between slavery and constitution?

Slavery was a divisive issue during the drafting of the U.S. Constitution, with compromises such as the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Fugitive Slave Clause included to appease slaveholding states. The Constitution did not abolish slavery but did pave the way for its eventual abolition through amendments like the Thirteenth Amendment.

How were the political parties affected by the debate over slavery?

Slavery was a contentious issue in United States politics throughout history, becoming a topic in the drafting of the Constitution