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Anaerobic respiration, or glycolysis, occurs whenever there is an absence of oxygen but a need for ATP (energy). Exercising is one of the main situations where the muscle tissues are being utilized so rapidly and frequently that their demand for oxygen (to perform cellular respiration to make energy) is so high that us breathing is not giving them enough. They undergo glycolysis, which doesn't yield as much ATP per molecule of glucose but it doesn't require oxygen, either. This way, the muscle gets some energy without having to wait for the availability of an abundance of oxygen; however, lactic acid is one of the byproducts of glycolysis, which can build up in the muscle tissue causing pain and cramps over time.

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Q: Why does Anaerobic respiration only happen after exercising hard?
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When do you think anaerobic respiration might take place in your muscles?

When you are working the muscle hard.

What do you call respiration that requires oxygen?

The answer to this question is very hard. If you wish to know the answer, go to google and google it. Thank you, the Answering Co.

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When you exercise to the point where you cannot inspire oxygen fast enough to deliver oxygen to your cells, your body starts creating energy (in the form of ATP) by anaerobic respiration as opposed to aerobic respiration. A by-product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid, which causes pain to muscles. Over time the 'oxygen debt' is repayed and the lactic acid and the pain will go away. Some of the pain may also be attributed to the small tears that occur in muscles after a hard work out (this is natural), and will also go away as the muscles rebuild.

What are disadvantages of fermentation when compared to the processes aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

The equation for anaerobic respiration is: glucose ---> lactic acid + carbon dioxide + energy To know the disadvantages of anaerobic respiration it is best to compare it to aerobic respiration which involves oxygen (glucose + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water + energy) For humans to respire regularly and for long periods of time, oxygen is required. This means that anaerobic respiration through humans causes a lack of oxygen, and cannot be carried out for a very long time. Lactic acid is also produce and this is toxic and causes things such as cramp to build up. Anaerobic respiration also produces very little energy compared to aerobic respiration so is not suitable for every day respiration! Humans will mostly breathe anaerobically in situations such as sprinting in a race.

What is good for a sprint coupled reaction of CP and ADP Aerobic respiration or anaerobic glycolysis?

anaerobic glycolysis because it doesn't require oxygen and when you're sprinting, it's hard to take in that oxygen, that's why after the sprint you would be gasping for air because your body prefers to use aerobic respiration which yields the most ATP.

Which of the process shown in the transparency is anaerobic which of the process is aerobic?

Anaerobic respiration results from the presence of oxygen. Fuel molecules get broken down and release biochemical energy that comes into contact with the oxygen.

What happens if there is too much anaerobic respiration during exercise?

Humans only store a small amount of glycogen for anaerobic functions (fast, power movements). Aerobic respiration takes over after a short time, burning fat and eventually protein. These sources are more plentiful, and fat is a much more efficient energy storage molecule than glucose. Glycogen is more easily converted to glucose, so it is utilized first.

Why is anaerobic respiration more likely to be used by your body in short high-intensity workouts than in endurance exercises such as long-distance swimming?

Anaerobic respiration is repairing without oxygen, so in a sprint for example, the muscles are working so hard that even with oxygen being breathed in, it is not enough to supply the energy, so anaerobic resooration takes place to release enough energy. With long distance events, the muscles aren't working as fast or hard, s there is enough oxygen, and no oxygen debt.

A soccer player has been sprinting up and down the field he is breathing very hard and has a burning sentation in his muscleswhich of the following most likely explains the cause of his symptoms?

The burning sensation in the muscles after strenuous exercise is caused by lactic acid. It is an acid that is formed when the body breaks down carbohydrates to use for energy when the normal energy stores have been used up. Muscles are building up lactate from anaerobic respiration. (apex!)

What happens to muscles when there is not enough oxygen?

oxygen debt. more oxygen is needed than what is being supplied. the body then begins anaerobic respiration (the cells "breathe" for you). a result of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. lactic acid is that soreness feeling you get after a hard workout

A soccer player has been sprinting up and down the field. She is breathing very hard and has a burning sensation in her muscles. Which of the following is most likely the cause of her symptoms?

Muscles are building up lactate from anaerobic respiration. -Apex- :)

What causes muscles to ache during hard exercise?

Lactic acid is formed by anaerobic respiration, and builds up in the muscles.