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He laughs because Idek was having an sexual encounter with a young polish girl in a room while they were all working. The result is that Elie is given more than 20 whips on his back.

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1mo ago

Elie laughs at Idek because he sees the absurdity and madness in an overseer beating his own father during a moment of chaos at the concentration camp. The result is that Elie realizes the dehumanizing effects of the camp on both the prisoners and the guards, leading to a mix of emotions that include Horror, disbelief, and a sense of detachment from reality.

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15y ago

cause he has an e on his dick

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Q: Why does Elie laugh at Idek and what is the result?
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Idek beat Elie for meddling in his private affairs by hitting him with an iron bar. Elie's kindness towards Idek's mistress angered him, leading to this violent outburst.

Why does Idek beat Elie?

Because Elie would not give him his gold tooth/crown.

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Elie is whipped by Idek as punishment for leaving his assigned work area. Idek is a Kapo who oversees the prisoners' work details in the concentration camp.

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Elie is beaten by Idek, a Kapo prisoner, in front of a French girl because Elie did not meet Idek's work expectations. Idek's violent and unpredictable behavior reflects the brutal and dehumanizing conditions within the concentration camps during the Holocaust.

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Idek is a cruel Kapo, or inmate overseer, at the concentration camp in "Night" by Elie Wiesel. He is known for his violent outbursts and random acts of aggression towards prisoners. Idek takes out his anger on Elie by beating him mercilessly during a moment of frustration.

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What was Elie Wiesel's punishment for walking in on Idek with a young polish girl?

Elie Wiesel received 25 lashes from Idek as punishment for walking in on him with a young Polish girl.

Why did Elie Wiesel get 25 lashes of the whip from a kapo?

Elie Wiesel had seen Kapo Idek having sex with a female Polish prisoner. This was, of course, against the rules and Idek wanted to terrify Elie so that he would keep quiet about it.

Who beats Elie in front of the French girl in 'Night' by Elie Wiesel?

The person who beats Elie in front of the French girl, in Night by Elie Wiesel, is Idek.

Why does Idek beat Elie's father?

Idek beats Elie's father in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel as an act of cruelty and abuse of power. Idek, who is a Kapo in the concentration camp, frequently lashes out at prisoners to assert his authority and relieve his own frustrations. The violence illustrates the dehumanizing conditions and brutal treatment that prisoners faced in the camp.

Who was a cruel Kapo who beats Elie?

The Kapo who beat Elie Wiesel in "Night" was known as Idek, an inmate who was known for his violent and unpredictable behavior as a supervisor in the Buna warehouse. Idek's cruelty and abuse towards the prisoners reflected the dehumanizing impact of the concentration camp system during the Holocaust.

In the book night who was Idek?

Idek was a kapo, a concentration camp inmate assigned to supervise other prisoners, in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel. He was known for his violent and unpredictable behavior towards the prisoners, often subjecting them to brutal beatings for no reason. Idek symbolized the dehumanization and arbitrary cruelty that pervaded the camp environment.