

Why does Pip flee for his life as dinner ends?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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He had stolen the pork pie and Mrs. Joe just found out that it was missing, though she didn't know why yet.

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Q: Why does Pip flee for his life as dinner ends?
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What was revealed at dinner The Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

At dinner in "Great Expectations," Mr. Jaggers reveals to Pip that Miss Havisham is the secret benefactress behind his expectations. This revelation changes Pip's perception of his life and propels the story forward.

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Mr. Wopsle was invited to dinner by Mr. Jaggers, but Pip liked Drummle the least. Drummle was arrogant, condescending, and showed disdain towards Pip and everyone else at the dinner.

What happened to Pip?

the steamer crushed it

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His housekeeper's wrists.

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Jaggers invites Pip and Drummle to dinner. He is particularly interested in Drummle as a potential heir of a wealthy client Jaggers represents.

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How did Pip's benefactor change pip's life?

He gave Pip a chance at life with an education, and a way to become a distinguished gentelman, instead of being raised as a pauper by his sister.

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Pip goes back to apologize to Mr Jaggers for any unpleasantness, but Mr Jaggers comments on how he likes 'Spider' - Drummle. He warns Pip to stay away from him, but calls him one of the 'true sort'.

In the book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens What makes pip uncomfortable at the Christmas dinner?

Pip feels uncomfortable at the Christmas dinner because he is a young boy who is intimidated by the behavior and attitudes of the wealthy guests, particularly Estella, who insults him and makes him feel self-conscious about his common background. The lavish setting of Satis House and the pretentiousness of the guests also contribute to Pip's discomfort.

How did Pip manage to save the life of magwitch?

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