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Because humus is dead stuff decomposed. It gives lots of nutrients to plants who need them. So, the forest floor has lots of dead stuff right? There is probably lots of banana slugs and worms cause they don't need sunlight anyways back to the subject these decomposers decompose and mixes all the dead stuff with the soil and WALLAH there is humus!

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Q: Why does a layer of humus form quickly in the rain forest?
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in northern forest soil, what is above the topsoil ad how does it form?

In Northern forest soil, Humus is present above topsoil. Humus is a black/brown substance that is formed by the decay of plant and animal matter.

How are humus and organic matter related?

organic matter and humus are related because they are darker in a way. and many leaves that fall from forest trees every autumn help form humus. the decaying leaves and plentiful rainfall form thick fertile soil.

What is the upper most layer of the forest?

The uppermost layer of the forest is called the canopy. It consists of the tallest trees that form a continuous leafy roof over the layers below. The canopy provides shade, shelter, and food for many animals living in the forest.

What trees live in the canopy layer of the rainforest?

Trees form the canopy of the rain forest

HUmus is an important component of healthy soil. How does humus form?

breakdown of organic remains.

Do animals contribute most of the organic remains that form humus?

No, they do not. Plants contribute most of the organic remains that form humus.

How does organic matter become humus?

Organic matter breaks down (decays) to form humus.

How are plants and humus related?

Provide most of the organic matter that gets broken down to form humus.

How does humus form in is compsition?

breakdown of organic remains

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma can spread quickly to other body systems. It is a form of cancer in which the outer layer of the skin, epidermis is affected.

How does humus form?

Humus is formed by nutrientd and glitter of plant

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