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The reaction of glucose with oxygen, which is equivalent to burning, but slower, releases energy which drives every other chemical reaction of the body, including those which cause muscle fibers to contract.

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Q: Why does extra glucose and oxygen let muscles pull harder?
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Related questions

What molecule do mammals use to store extra glucose in their muscles?

Glycogen is the molecule used to store extra glucose into a MAMMAL'S muscles.

Why glucose consumed at a high rate in the absence of oxygen and at low rate in its presence?

When glucose is used for energy, oxygen is also used, so I'm not sure I understand this question. When we exercise for awhile, we use up the easily available glucose (the glycogen stores) and have to switch to making it from protein (like organs and muscles) and fat stores (producing ketones). Exercise causes us to breathe harder to supply the extra oxygen needed to use the glucose........ See? I'm missing something. Will try again if you can explain it for me.

Which molecule do mammals use to store extra glucose in their muscles?


How do blood and oxygen work together in the body when you are running?

When you are running, your muscles are working extra hard. Therefore, they need more oxygen and glucose than normal, since it is the chemical reaction between these two that produces energy for work. The blood is pumped to the lungs for more oxygen and to the liver for more glucose. (Glucose is stored in the liver.) Blood flow to the working muscles is increased in order to deliver these two, and to carry away carbon dioxide and heat that are produced as wastes.

What is glucose produce for?

the plants will produce glucose if there is any extra food as food comes in sugar and when it is combined with water plus oxygen, it turns to glucose

How does skeletal muscle change during exercise?

Once you start to exercise, your body has to make sure that the muscles that are now working much harder receive the oxygen and fuel they need to keep contracting. The various body systems must begin to work faster and harder to meet this extra demand. The muscles start to work harder, requiring more oxygen and producing more carbon dioxide, which needs to be removed

What chemical collects in muscles when your body makes extra energy without enougth oxygen?

Lactic acid collects in the muscles when your body produces extra energy without enough oxygen.ExplanationWhen you exercise with plenty of oxygen supply then energy is produced in the body by absorbing the sugar content in the body (glucose/fructose/sucrose) plus oxygen. This is called aerobic respiration.When there is not enough oxygen or no oxygen and your body needs to produce extra energy, then the body breaks down the carbohydrate, proteins and fats to produce extra energy. This process is called Anaerobic respiration. The end product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. This lactic acid collects in the muscles.The lactic acid collection in the muscles is cleared when oxygen supply is available again.However the energy produced by anaerobic respiration is less when compared to aerobic respiration.

Why is there a change is heart beat as man exercises?

Exercise works the muscles and increases their demand for oxygen in the blood. The heart must pump harder to get more blood to the muscles to meet this extra demand. The body knows it must pump the heart harder for several reasons. Firstly, the brain tells the heart that it is exercising, and so is likely to need more oxygen. Secondly, special sensory nerves can detect subtle changes in the blood, like low oxygen and acidity, that stimulates the heart.

Why does blood pressure increase during exercise?

As we exercise, we use our muscles. Our muscles need oxygen to function. Therefore, the more we exercise, or the harder we exercise, the more oxygen we need. In order for our muscles to get that extra oxygen, we need to breathe more. The oxygen then enters our blood and our hearts beat stronger and faster in order for the oxygen to reach the muscles as quickly as possible, thus why our blood pressure increases.

Does Aerobic exercise force the body to provide extra oxygen to the muscles?

its really hard i need help

What happens to accumulated lactic acid when oxygen is present?

Lactic acid diffuses into the bloodstream, and carried to the liver. Here, it's converted back into glucose, but in order to do this, extra energy is required, and as such extra oxygen is needed.

When you do exercise why does your pulse increase?

The reason my heart beat changed is because when you exert your muscles they need extra oxygen so your heart beat increases to pump the requires oxygen amount to the muscles. So by running up and down stairs (or running on the spot as I have no stairs) you require more oxygen for your muscles. When you stop working your muscles they don't need the extra oxygen so your heart stops pumping the blood so fast around the body which then slows down your pulse to what it was to start with.