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"Jehovah's Witnesses" is what we are called. And we believe blood is sacred and should not be given away.

However, some Jehovah's Witnesses do give and receive blood. It is a moral problem.

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Q: Why does jehovas don't take blood transfusion?
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Can your dog take on a different dogs personalitys after a blood transfusion?

No. Personality - in humans or in animals - is dependent on dozens of factors, but nothing that can be exchanged in a blood transfusion.

How long does it take if you are losing blood to die and don't get a transfusion?

5 minutes

Hemoglobin is 7 should you take blood transfusion?

YES Actually...most physicians transfuse at a hemoglobin of less than 8. That is my threshold for transfusion. If a patient's Hemoglobin drops below 8 they are not properly oxygenating blood to end organs, so transfusion benefits outweight risks.

What is the test for blood type?

Blood tests are usually done before getting a blood transfusion. The test is called the ABO test and you need to take some blood to take it. You can buy a $10.00 test kit online.

When a person donates blood to someone is there a possibility that the person may take some characteristics of the person?

A blood transfusion is a donation of blood from one person to another. There is NO possibility of a transfer of personal characteristics.

You are a Jehovah witness religious group.Your son is sick and needed blood transfusion to stay alive.Do you allow blood transfusion or reject it knowing that your son will die without getting blood?

Answer; I'll let my son die, cause of my belief to Jehovah got lot of question to answer to investigation. Brain dictates your decision not your feelings. in someday, you will realize, did I made a good decision to sacrifice my son, cause I am a Jehovah witness? people desrved to live not to die, without transfusion of blood to son you compare yourself in abortion. whatever..... EDIT: i will reject the blood transfusion and let him take an alternative to the blood transfusion. i would love my child and want him to live, thus i will make sure to request an alternative. however i will not go against God's law on blood. if he dies i am assured that he will have a chance to live again on Paradise Earth.

How does blood transfusion take place?

they put a needle into the arm and force blood into you blood vessels. if the pressure is too much the arm will explode. they are very dangerous so i advise you not to have one.- Dr Mcgregor

Can you take milk of magnesium while on blood thinners?

no i dont

if i had a blood transfusion and never had high cholesterol can i get it from the persons blood i received and will it correct its self with time or do i have to now take medication for it?

It is possible for a person to recieve high cholesterol from a blood transfusion, but since you already did not have high cholesterol then it will fix itself overtime. Think of it this way. If you were a skinny and active person your whole life. Then magically you gain 100 lbs, eventually you will lose that weight because you body is not like that anyway.

What are the side effects of Goody's powder?

they can cause ulcers and make you anemic over time. You may have to have a blood transfusion if you take them too much and they can also cause really bad ulcer bleed.

Can a person with type O blood receive a transfusion of type A blood?

It depends on what you consider to be a "blood transfusion"? Type "O" recipient may receive type "O" red cells and whole blood (respective for Rh), any type Platelets (respective for Rh), and any type fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate (Rh is of no concern with acellular products).

How do you blood dope?

there are different techniques used to cheat via blood altering. one is a blood transfusion that some atheletes used to do basically to give them more blood hence more haemoglobin and a better ability to transport oxygen to the muscles = faster runner. EPO (erythropoietin) is a hormone that regulates red blood cell production and if atheletes take it they will have more red blood cells.