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Q: Why does my Clutch pedal hard to push?
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What is wrong when pushing the clutch it is hard to engaged and when trying to shift it to start going it won't shift?

to start with when you push in on the clutch pedal you are disengaging it. Your description sounds like the clutch has clutched its last clutch What if it is not the clutch?

Why do my Engine die when you stop?

You forgot to push in the clutch pedal

What in a stickshift car to the left of the foot-brake pedal and push you down to shift gears?

The clutch pedal.

How to Adjust clutch pedal height peugeot 307?

To adjust the clutch pedal height in the Peugeot 307 locate the adjuster bolt on the floor under the clutch pedal. Loosen the bolt and pull out the pedal to the proper height then tighten the bolt. To make the clutch pedal lower for the operator simply push in on the clutch pedal while the adjuster bolt is loose, then tighten the bolt.

Where is the clutch ignition switch located on 1990 geo tracker?

right above the clutch pedal. If you follow the pedal to the top you'll see where when you push in the clutch it presses the switch in completing the circuit

How do you adjust clutch on 1998 mustang?

On a 1998 Ford Mustang : With the engine OFF - put your gearshift in first gear - put your foot under the clutch pedal and gently lift the clutch pedal until the pedal stops - slowly push the clutch pedal down - you will hear a click if your clutch needed adjusting and adjusted itself

Why does your car turn off when you push on your brakes?

because you did not step on your clutch pedal

How do you know if it is the clutch master cylinder or the slave cylinder that has gone bad on an 94 firebird?

clamp the line to the slave cylinder and mash the clutch pedal. if the pedal gets hard to push,the slave is bad. if the clutch pedal goes down slowly with moderate pressure,the master cyl is bad clamp the line going to the slave cylinder. meant to say that in the previous answer

For a manual transmission im right their at the cliff your starter is out you cannot push start it is their a way you can bypass the starter?

you have to push clutch pedal in/then push the car let pedal out should start.

How do you know if your clutch is no good?

A major indicator would be when you push the clutch in, you can't shift your transmission. Another one would be when you push the clutch pedal, it just goes straight to the floor with no resistance, or it doesn't push in at all.

What is the part that allows you to start the car only when the clutch is depressed?

That's where it is when you push on the clutch pedal and it's called a switch.

Do you need a clutch adjustment?

If the clutch pedal feels loose or if it's particularly hard to shift, then probably.