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Q: Why does the glucose molecule have to be broken down step by step?
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What is the chemical reaction between yeast and sugar in the presence of water?

It's a two-step process: 1) Sugar (sucrose) is broken down into two molecules of glucose. C12H22O11 + H2O + invertase----> 2C6H12O6 2) The two glucose molecules are broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. 2C6H12O6 + Zymase ----> 4C2H5OH + 4CO2 You can find out more by going to the Ethanol fermentation article on Wikipedia.

What is difference in energy produced in biological oxidation and chemical oxidation of glucose?

Glucose getconvertedto carbon bi oxide and water molecule, during oxidation in both the biological oxidation and chemical oxidation. One glucose molecule gives 6 carbon bi oxide and 6 water molecules.(C6H12O6 + 6 O2 = 6 CO2 + H2O.) In biological oxidation glucose is broken down in step wise manner. In about 22 steps, energy is released. So cell does not get burned due to sudden release of energy. So this is like, you come down from the two story building via staircase, step by step. So you do notinjure yourself. In chemical oxidation glucose burn in one step only. So it is like jumping from the two story building. You will get injured. In biological oxidation, you get the intermediate products of low energy. (At few times high energy.) As ultimate products of both biological oxidation and chemical oxidation are same, the energy released is same. Not a photon more or less, provided temperature of glucose and temperature and pressure of end products is same. In biological oxidation, you get some energy stored in body in the form of ATP molecules. Which is utilized for various metabolic processes, required by cell. Rest is released in the form of heat. That is also useful to maintain body temperature. This is in accordance to the Law ofconservationof energy in chemical reactions. It remains constant and can change the form of energy.

What reaction does the enzyme hexokinase catalyze?

First step of glycolysis- the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate.

The conversion of glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate is the first step in?


Will a sugar cube still taste sweet if it is broken down into small pieces why?

A sugar cube is sugar if you break it down into finer pieces and will react with your sense of taste in the same manner (it still tastes sweet) until you start to break up the molecules (this step has to be done chemically, not mechanically) . Even then then sucrose (table sugar) becomes glucose and fructose (simpler sugars) both of which still taste sweet.

Related questions

What is the first step to breaking down a glucose molecule is?

Breaking down glucose into pyruvate is known as Glycolysis. Glycolysis involves splitting one molecule of the simple 6-carbon sugar glucose into two smaller molecules of the 3-carbon pyruvate. The process is anaerobic and occurs in the cytoplasm of cell.

What molecule are broken down during cellular respiration to release energy?

Energy sources (long term energy storages) are broken down! Typically when learning about cellular respiration, glucose is used as an example because it is the most convenient source for cellular respiration. However, other sources such as proteins and fats (they insert themselves into glycolysis or the transition step or the Krebs cycle when able) are also broken down. Before they can be broken down, both of these molecules must be broken into their monomers (amino acids for proteins) or smaller molecules (glycerol and fatty acids for fats) and modified. Even if glucose is used as the energy source, polysaccharides like starch in plants and glycogen in humans must be broken down into smaller subunits until it gets to its monomer - glucose. Oxygen could also be considered to be broken down. Molecular oxygen (O2) is split after receiving the low-energy electrons from the electron transport chain to produce 2 water molecules. Short term energy sources like ATP and NADH are also broken down, but the profit of ATP and NADH from cellular respiration greatly outweigh the losses.

Process by which food is broken down and energy is released?

Okay:Step 1. Glycolysis; glucose is cut. Glucose, the six-carbon sugar, is cut in half and converted into two pyruvates, three-carbon sugars.Before we go on, you have to ask yourself- Is oxygen present or not?No?Step 2. Anaerobic Fermentation- it doesn't break down anything further; it only helps more glucose be broken down to this stage.Yes?Step 2. Anaerobic Respiration - it breaks glucose down to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).By the way, respiration releases more energy than fermentation.

When During fermentation glucose is incompletely broken down to form?

during glycolysis of the fermentation; remember that glycolysis is the common step for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

What molecule does cellular respiration start with?

Glucose and oxygen begin the process of respiration.

During respiration the energy within the bonds of a glucose molecule is released in small amounts in a step by step enzyme controlled reaction in this process the energy released is used to?

synthesis more glucose

How does glucose make ATP?

Through a series of reactions called "glycolysis" in which the bonds in the glucose molecule are broken down step-wise and the energy contained within those bonds is transfered to make ATP. In some organisms (ie humans), even more ATP can be made if oxygen is present and the glucose break down product (pyruvate) can go through a further series of reactions called oxidative metabolism.

The first step in cellular respiration that splits a molecule of glucose to release energy is called?


What step in respiration does glucose molecules break down?


Glucose is broken down in steps during cellular respiration Why not just use it all at once?

breaking down glucose in one step would produce far too much heat; our bodies would catch on fire and burn like the fire of a thousand suns!

Does cellular respiration release glucose?

Yes - glucose is broken down in the first step of cellular respiration. This stage is known as glycolysis and occurs in the cytoplasm. Cellular respiration begins with glucose and ends creating ATP.

What combines with glucose during resperation?

The first atom to join with glucose is phosphorus, donated by ATP, and is the first step of glycolysis. Glucose becomes Glucose 6-phosphate. Next it's rearranged to form Fructose 6-phosphate. After it's been broken down to pyruvic acid and further down into an acetyl group, it's joined to coenzyme A, forming acetyl coenzyme A