

Why does your cat bite you when you go to pet him?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The cat may not want to be petted.

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Q: Why does your cat bite you when you go to pet him?
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The best pet for an independent person to have, is a cat. I tought my cat to never scratch or bite. They are very easy to train, THAT'S JUST AN OPINION!

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Do cats bites?

If threatened, frightened, or in pain, yes cats can bite. But most of the time for most cats, they have never bitten any human or animal. When a cat does bite, the cat always has a good reason--including being annoyed or pestered even after giving signs that say, "leave me alone!"

Do pet stores have cat harnesses?

It depends which pet store you go in, but the answer is probably yes.

Is a cat you have for a pet harmful?

Sort of, they can become quite tame but they will always have an instinct to hunt and bite but only if they feel threatened.

What do you do with your cat?

What you can do with your cat is that you can, play catch, pet her/him, play hide and go seek!!?

Do pet mice bite?

Yes they love to rip people apart. My friend had to go to A an E because of her pet mouse. They just bite randomly!

how can i get a cat?

You can get a cat by going to the shelter to rescue a cat or you can find one in the wild.

How do you buy another cat in Mweor?

go to the pet shop

Is macavity the cat a pet cat or a stray cat?

He is both a pet cat, because you can pet it, and a stray cat because you can stray it. :)

What pet shop do I go to for Lucy Reins' cat?

First go to the Treeton pet shop owner, who will give you treats. Then go to Cat Isle and talk to Daria Pale. Daria tells you to find the cat who wanders around on Cat Isle. He is usually in the forest. When you find him and talk to him, he will give you a cat to take back to Lucy.

What to do with a pet mouse with a cat that can kill the mouse anywere?

bye a cage at ur local pet store and keep it in a room where the cat is STRICTLY FORBIDEN to go.