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because when your hot, the molicules in your body start to rub against each other and start to give you an itch.

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Q: Why does your skin itch when you start to heat up?
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Why do your balls itch so much?

It is because that you might have dry skin or it has stuff up your BALLS!If you don't keep them clean, they will itch.

What causes your skin to itch and red marks to come out?

Your skin itching, and red marks showing up could be caused from poison ivy. An allergic reaction can also show itself in this manner. Heat rash can look this way as well.

Why do your feet and ankles start to itch when you stand up a long time?

because it is normal

What does eczema look like under the skin?

it differs. somedays it feels like its not even there and you have clear skin. but when it flares up you have to itch it, you feel the need to itch it. if you leave it long enough you feel like if you don't itch it, it will drive you mad. then you've itched it, you feel it come up some where else and you itch that and so on and so on. when you have stopped itching you may feel it start up again so you will itch it again. this keeps occurring until you are satisfied. you could be bleeding and you still aren't satisfied. But it's different for everyone, this is just how it happens to me.

What clear liquid makes your skin itch?

I think it depends on what the liquid is and how sensitive your skin is. For the high majority, water won't make you itch, but battery acid (like the kind that goes into car, bike, boat, etc. batteries) can make you itch and turn the skin red. But, once again, it depends on how sensitive your skin is, and how long the liquid is up there. Also, don't forget, it depends on what the liquid actually is. (Chemically)

What is the effect of absorption of infrared light by human skin?

This will heat the skin up.

Can you get itchy bumps from smoking marijuana?

I think so... everytime I break it up my hands itch and small red or skin colored dots come

How do capillaries help control body temperature?

Vasoconstriction And Vasodilation. Vasodilation is when its hot, so your capillaries widen and your veins come up to the surface of your skin to release heat. as well as your pores widening releasing beads of sweat. (When it evapourates it cools your body down) Vasoconstriction - when your veins and capillaries contract slighlty and dont stick up from your skin, to keep heat inside. As well as skin pours tightening, and your hair on your arms and stuff sticking up straight - to trap air in between to insulate your body. And if you start to shiver - its your muscles contracting and relaxing to produce heat energy.

How are a skull and avocado skin alike?

If you heat up avocado skin then dry it out it will turn in to skull skin from the drying it out there you have it the reason why avocado and skull skin are alike.

What Happens when you heat up a thermometer with your hands?

If you hold a thermometer close to you it will start to heat up. Your body temperature will start affecting it and the heat reading on it should start to rise. Once you pull it away from you (depending on the temperate of where you are) it should start to cool off again.

Why a patient with renal failure would experience itchy skin?

Kidneys remove waste from the body. If the kidneys fail, waste builds up; this is known to cause severe itching. Specifically, phosphorous is removed during urination. The heightened phosphorous is what causes the itching; not just a skin itch, but a deep itch which is not necessarily going to subside.

What happens when you put bleach in shampoo and take a shower with it?

It can cause your skin to itch and burn and you might end up with bleach blonde hair. It will also burn your scalp.