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Because people think that killing is wrong for any reason.

Added: It can be assumed that the questioner is referring to Euthenasia as applied to human beings. If so, SOME people are against it on religious grounds and others are philosophically opposed and are wary of the "slippery slope" argument.

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Q: Why does euthanasia cause so much debate?
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You would have to ask your veterinarian about the cost of euthanasia - a Pomeranian is a small dog, so the cost for the drugs will be low. Usually the most expensive part of euthanasia is the cost of disposal of the body.

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It can be . . . however, it is normally used for pain control. What you are referring to would be called "passive euthanasia." Morphine has a threshold where, at some point, the respiratory system is depressed (slowed down) so much that the person stops breathing and dies. Simultaneously, though, the person is in no pain because of the pain relief the drug provides. This passive euthanasia is highly debated, and this topic will most likely be up for debate significantly in the near future.

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The most important reason is fear; fear that euthanasia can so easily be abused.

Is euthanasia considered a crime in the Netherlands?

No it's not. In fact, Netherlands is the first country which legalized euthanasia. There are very strict rules for euthanasia. And sometimes it's considered a crime. Euthanasia is only legal when someone has to suffer forever and many doctors agree with it. So it's hard to get it in the Netherlands.

Why euthanasia is opposite of the fifth commandment?

because euthanasia is also a kind of killing even though it is called "mercy killing". the fifth commandments said that "you shall not kill", so that's why the euthanasia is opposite to the fifth commandment...

How do you prevent euthanasia?

Euthanasia is not a condition or symptom. Euthanasia is the process by which sodium pentatol or some form of similar drug is injected into the bloodstream in very large doses, so as to purposely cause the death of the individual. This is what Veterinarians do to pets when they are being "put down" humanely. It is also the process used to humanely execute prisoners on death row in some states. Hope this helps. It was hard to tell what you meant by your question, as I think you are confused by the term "euthanasia" and what it pertains to. I supposed one would prevent euthanasia by not overdosing on medications they have been prescribed. Always take medications as directed by your doctor. never self medicate.

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Not so much. Subject of intense debate.

Why does euthanasia exist?

Euthanasia exists because there is people that have incurable diseases and cannot live their life suffering that way so they choose to die by the hand of doctors

Should doctors euthanasia for terminally ill patients?

Euthanasia is only done if the patient wants to after they have been evaluated to be of sane mind. So yes, if that fits.

How many followers do voluntary euthanasia have?

6 million followers so far.