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Racism isn't a problem to democratic countries. Most countries have problems with racism.

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Q: Why is Australia called a democratic country when racism is still a big issue?
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Why does racism exist in Australia?

Racism in Australia exists due to historical factors such as colonization and the treatment of Indigenous Australians, as well as ongoing social issues like prejudice and discrimination. Systemic racism, stereotypes, and ignorance also contribute to the persistence of racism in the country.

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Racism? I'm not really sure there's anything else...

What can you do as a country to stop racism?

as a country you can do what martin luther king did (famous racism protester) and protest against the racist part of a country and not give up.

What is being done to address racism in Australia?

nothing mate

What country did racism start in?

Racism did not start in one specific country. There have and always will be racism. It is present in all or most humans, it's just natural. However, it is not natural to openly express your racism at the expense of others (meaning you're violent either verbally or physically).

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I hate to break it to you, but racism is alive and well in nearly every country on Earth.

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The usual kinds of racism that exists with respect to any group. To ask a more useful question, specify in which country the racism existed, who behaved in a racist fashion, and regarding Asians of which country or countries the racism existed, the target, if you will.

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What is a current challenge in Australia?

Drought, cane toads, racism, obesity, Yahoo Serious.