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Emotional eating is not actually bad. It's normal when done in moderation. All of us emotionally eat from time. After a funeral for example, food is often a source of comfort for the bereaved. Emotionally eating becomes unhealthy when it is the primary coping strategy for dealing with emotions (both pleasant and unpleasant). This becomes unhealthy because the emotions don't ever get dealt with or processed. They just get piled on inside and then you need more food to keep them down and the cycle continues. What makes this so problematic is that we need our emotions to help us make decisions, take action to protect ourselves, give us information about we need and so forth. If our emotions are ignored then we lose touch with this important aspect of our Biology. For example, a common emotion "stuffed" by many women is anger. Some women were taught that anger is not ok to express. By "stuffing" anger, the emotion turns inside, which can lead to depression, negative thoughts (all the anger coming out on the inside!) Furthermore, anger is an emotion that tells us something is not ok. Our boundaries have been violated and need protection. By ignoring the emotion, the problem is never dealt with and thus your needs are not met. This is why using emotional eating as a regular coping strategy can be limiting.

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Q: Why is emotional eating bad?
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Can anyone recommend a good book on beating emotional eating?

"Breaking Free from Emotional Eating." By: Geneen Roth

Leave the emotions out of eating?

Emotional eating is when an individual eats in response to feelings such as anger, depression, sadness or happiness. Emotional eaters tend to consume excess food even when they are not physically hungry. Emotional eating can leave an individual feeling guilty afterward and it may eventually cause depression. To avoid emotional eating, it is important to recognize the behavior. Emotional eating is often in the form of cravings. An emotional eater will typically crave a particular type of food. One way to manage emotional eating is to choose healthy food options such as vegetables or fruit.

What are some tips to stop emotional eating?

Find another way to take away the sorrow. Try cleaning or exercising to get rid of bad news. Eating is good at times but not all the time. I strongly suggest cleaning since it isn't a bad habit.

What are some signs of emotional eating?

Some of the signs of emotional eating are binge eating. Binge eating occurs when one eats enormous amounts of food(s) at one time or various times throughout the day. Emotional binge eating can be contributed to depression, stress or as a desire to fullfill something else in life that seems unattainable.

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How does one break free from emotional eating?

The secret to breaking free from emotional eating lies in resolving the issues that cause the eating disorder to occur. If you simply take away the food the disorder will continue when it is available.

What is bad about eating slowly?

Nothing is bad about eating slowly.In fact, it is better than eating

Which are not healthy ways of managing stress, select two answersA. Using illegal drugs B. Eating healthy C. Emotional eating D. Being active?

A and C

What emotional problems lead some people to an eating disorder?

It depends on the specific eating disorder to identify specific mood or emotional symptoms. Most eating disorders, though, will involve drastic mood swings, depression, isolation, secrecy, and low-self esteem.

What are tips on controlling emotional eating?

Try to replace the impulse for emotional eating with a more positive activity, like exercising. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to a friend if you need someone to talk to about your problems.

What is bad about healthy eating?

The only bad thing about healthy eating is that it suppresses your appetite's freedom.

What is physical eating?

Physical eating is eating based on the necessity for nutrients. For example, if you are gradually hungry, then your body will alert you to this (by "growling"). This differs from emotional eating because you only eat when it is necessary.