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Narcissists are about control, mind-bending guessing games, outbursts of anger and love to make their victims feel like they are going crazy by making statements and then denying them later. They are egomaniacal and have a "God complex." No one else is smarter than they are! It's important they are the center of attention as far as intellect goes, but can be deemed as social outcasts in many situations. The narcissist knows full well how to manipulate their victim (you) and at first they can be loving, give many gifts, take their new mate for extravagant dinners, etc., and of course the woman is going to feel like she has found that "special guy" that will treat her like a queen. I call people who over-indulge in the way a narcissist does "shmoozing" meaning they are acting smooth, confident and do exactly what they are doing and where the whole scenerio is going to end up. Once they feel you are comfortable and they have you hooked little by little you see the changes in them. By this time they have spun their web of deceit leaving you wondering what hit you and doubting yourself. They have made you feel if you can't make it with them you won't make it with anyone else and this is their weapon! Don't play the game of the narcissist and YOU ARE IN CONTROL so get out of there! Once they are at work pack up and move on even if it means going home to your parents or staying for a bit with a relative or friend. Plan ahead before you make the move, but MAKE THAT MOVE! Good luck hon =Answer= The above poster said it all! I just want to add a bit of my personal experience with this... I believed whole-heartedly that my ex loved me. I know I loved him. The warning signs may have always been there, but the bottom line is: I wanted to believe. Who wouldn't anyone if they thought they'd found the love of their life? They are con men. They don't succeed because they are NOT good at what they do. Their "survival" depends on it. He did everything he could to give me the "illusion" of real love. Ho ho! He was real smooth! The love I wasted on this man! BUT, it was not my fault. Never was. At one point it was harder to admit to myself that I'd made a serious mistake about him than it was to leave him. That didn't last long. I "defied" him by talking to a friend about his abusive ways, in spite of the royal treatment he always got from me. Really woke me up! When he discovered I was "on to him" we had the biggest blow out ever.(Don't feel you need to confront him. It could get dangerous! Be careful!) I threw my ex and all his crap out on to the street.It's hard to let go of that dream, but honey I want the REAL thing. Don't you? GET OUT FAST!

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Q: Why is it that the victims of Narcissists can't seem to leave the relationship when they are being verbally and emotionally abused so much?
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Sounds like a dumb idea. Why antagonize someone who is not capable of controlling their anger to the point of physical violence? You simply need to leave.

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Many times the victims of narcissists will blame themselves for the destruction of their relationship or for somehow being attracted to someone who is so obviously flawed. The simple reality is, even the narcissist can become quite competent at making someone else feel good for a while. Compulsive liars keep doing what they do because they get good at it and keep convincing everyone that they're telling the truth. It's the same with the narcissist. He/she can make their victims feel good about themselves... up to the point when the relationship is more certain, then the narcissist can show his/her true colors. It's hard to terminate a relationship. Even a destructive relationship like the one you describe. Once you've identified that the problem started with the narcissist, you can start to forgive yourself for reacting to what you've been through, and you can get started moving forward. No, there is nothing wrong with you. But if you keep it up after you've identified the problem, you have nobody to blame but yourself. Now go get involved with a support group and start repairing your life.

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