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Q: Why is moderate regular exercise importat as we age?
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LWhy do we excercise?

Exercise for your physical and mental health. Exercise causes your brains to release endorphins, which can elevate mood. Regular, moderate, weight-bearing exercise can keep your bones and cardiovascular system functional. It has also been found to reduce the risks of many age-related conditions and diseases. Depending on the exercise of your choice, it also provides a positive social outlet and connection point for fostering interpersonal relationships.

Which percentage of Americans between the age of 12 and 21 doesn't exercise on a regular basis?

nearly 75 percent

At what age do you start losing muscle mass?

Whenever you start becoming sedentary. It's less about age and more about exercise. You typically lose about a pound of muscle a year after the age of 40. This of course, as the answerer above noted, be offset by regular resistance exercise.

How does age affect the health?

our bodies slowely deteroriate as we age and that includes all organs in our can be helped by good diet exercise and regular check ups

What exercise program is recommended for all Americans over the age of two?

Engage in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes, at least several times a week.

What measures can be taken in relation to exercise before and after the age of 30 to make sure older adults have strong and healthy bones?

A regular regimen of exercise will lead to a longer healthier life. Weight baring exercise tends to assist in securing stronger, healthier bones as we age.

How can you help to prevent muscle mass loss as you age?

Regular exercise is probably the best way to maintain muscle tone, muscle mass and bone density. Even a walk around the neighborhood every evening could have a significant effect.As the saying goes, "Use it or lose it."

How physical Exercise does?

Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Need more convincing to get moving? Check out these seven ways that exercise can lead to a happier, healthier you.

What age is preferable for doing cardio exercise?

Any age can do cardio exercises! That just means exercising until your heart rate gets up to a higher level. Everyone needs to do cardio at least three times a week to keep your heart healthy. Most younger children get enough exercise running around and playing, but kids who mostly sit around in front of the computer should start a regular exercise program. Adults of all ages should have a regular cardio routine and keep fit.

Do you lose weight with age?

Not really. Actually, it's the opposite in most cases: as you age, your metabolism slows down, making it harder to lose weight. It depends on the individual, though, and some do if they keep up a regular exercise routine and a fairly healthy diet.

What should a persons heart rate be for moderate - intensity physical activity?

To calculate a target heart rate for exercise, first determine the maximum heart rate by subtracting the person's age from 220. For instance, a twenty year olds maximum heart rate is 220 minus 20, or 200. The target heart rate for moderate intensity exercise is 50-70% of the maximum. This is calculated by multiplying 200 by 0.50 and by 0.70. This gives you a target heart rate range of 100-140.