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Pasteurisation kills many of the bacteria that would otherwise cause food to spoil, and could cause food poisoning in those who ate it.

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Q: Why is pasteurization important in food preparation?
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Heating a liquid to kill harmful bacteria is called?

The use of heat to kill bacteria in food and beverages is pasteurisation

How Louis Pasteur preserved food?

He preserved food by pasteurization .

Does pasteurization help treat wounds?

No. Pasteurization is the process of using heat to slow microbial growth in food. It has nothing to do with wounds.

How long can you pasteurize food for?

It depends on the type of food and what temperature is needed for its pasteurization.

What was Louis Pasteur suggestion to correct the problem of spoiled foods?

Louis Pasteur suggested the idea of Pasteurization. Pasteurization is the process in which food is heated to a certain temperature, so that the food-spoiling bacteria in the food is killed, thus preserving the food.

What happens in the process of pasteurization?

The process of pasteurization involves heating food to a certain temperature and then immediately cooling it. The process is done to slow the rate at which microbial life can make food go off.

What is the important of food preparation?

Very much of importance. You have to learn and know how to get the cooking results to the table all at one time without one item being overcooked or undercooked

How did Pasteur's work contribute to modern methods of preserving food?


In what food does pasteurization kill germs?

Quite a few but mainly in Milk

Are gamma rays used in pasteurization?

No pasteurization refers only to the process whereby foods and liquids are heated to high temperatures, killing microbes and bacteria. Pasteurization is one form of sterilizing food. Irradiation is a different process.

How does pasteurization prevent food spoilage?

The main way that pasteurization methods prevent food spoilage is by removing the bacteria from the food. This is done by heating the food until it is hot enough to kill the bacteria and then holding it there long enough to make sure that all bacteria are killed.

What is non pasteurization?

Non pasteurization means that food does not go through the heating process. Foods may being to spoil faster because of microbial growth.