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Salt is salt is salt; it is either sodium chloride or it isn't. Sea salt has different impurities than the salt in the store (iodine and anticaking agent) but basically, so what? I'm not aware that the stuff in the store is bad for you, and I've never seen someone point at an impurity of sea salt and say "that's good for you!" It's good at getting more money out of your pocket, that is all.

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Q: Why is sea salt better than refined table salt?
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Why buy popcorn salt?

Popcorn salt is usually more refined than table salt. One grain of the popcorn salt is smaller than one grain of table salt. It sticks to the popcorn better. Gold Medal makes Flavacol, which is an excellent butter flavored popcorn salt. Great on baked potatoes also.

Why is sea salt better than table salt?

Sea salt may be better because it has contaminants in it that give it flavor. There is no scientific evidence that sea salt is better for one's health. All table salt is basically sodium chloride, NaCl. Sea salt is NaCl with some contaminants not washed out or artificially added after the salt is refined.

Is sea salt better for us?

It is better, in moderation, than table salt.

Does Epsom salt dissolve faster than table salt?

Table dissolves in a shorter time span since it has a smaller mass, and can be broken down when put in water. Epsom salt is larger and harder to break down.

Is sea salt better for you than regular salt?

Sea salt may boast trace amounts of minerals that are refined out of store-bought table salt, but there's nothing that shouldn't already be in a well-balanced diet. Some impurities in sea salt (and the lack of added iodine) may actually be a detriment to your health.

Is kosher salt better for you than table salt?

Any difference, both are sodium chloride.

Does sea water has a higher density than pure water?

Sea salt and table salt are made of the same chemical compound. They have the same density. Sea salt is slightly less refined than table salt and may contained more minerals.

Why sendha namak better than table salt?

Sendha namak is another name for rock salt. Some people believe rock salt is better than table salt because it contains less sodium, however scientists say the difference is minimal.

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Does rock salt contain less sodium than table salt?

Rock salt contains less sodium than table salt

Is sea salt better for you than regular table salt?

Sea salt and table salt have similar nutritional content, with sea salt containing trace amounts of minerals. However, the main difference is the texture and taste, rather than health benefits. It's important to limit intake of all types of salt to maintain overall health.

Ca table salt melt ice quicker than regular salt?

table salt is regular salt.