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Q: Why is the factor that prevents us from finding Precambrian fossils?
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Which is a factor that prevents us from finding the Precambrian fossils?

most rock form that era are deeply buried.

Which factor prevents us from finding precambrian fossils?

Most rocks from that era are deeply buried.

What is one factor that does not affect the rate of weathering of rocks?

The number of fossils found in the rock is a factor that does not have a great effect on the weathering of a rock.

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils?

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils? The radioactive technique of radiometric dating is used to determine the age of fossils. This is a way to measure the proportions of a daughter isotope and the parent radioisotope of some element trapped inside a rock since the time the rock formed. A radioisotope is a form of an element with an unstable nucleus. Radioactive atoms decay, or lose energy and subatomic particles until they reach a more stable form. It is not possible to predict the exact instant of one atom's decay, but a predictable number of an isotope's atoms will decay over a period of time. Like the ticking of a perfect clock, the characteristic rate of decay for each isotope is constant. In other words, changes in pressure, temperature, or chemical state do not alter it. Radiometric dating doesn't work for sedimentary rock. It works for volcanic rock or ashes, which hold the most fossils. The ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12 is used to date recent fossils that still contain some carbon. The only way to date older fossils is to determine their position relative to any volcanic rocks in the same area. This dating method has an error factor of less than 10 percent.

What is an environmental factor?

Environmental factor or ecological factor or ecofactor is any factor, abiotic or biotic, that influences living organisms.