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Because 2/3 of the 50 states must ratify the amendment for it to become law.

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Q: Why it so difficult to make an amendment to the Constitution?
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How does the second amendment compare with the U.S. Constitution?

The 2nd Amendment refers to the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. It does not compare to the Constitution, it is part OF the Constitution.

Why did the Framers of the Constitution create a mechanism for amending the Constitution but then make it very difficult to make any changes?

They knew that people were going to change, and that the Constitution had to change with them. In order to be a working document, it had to be changed to reflect what was going on -- they knew, for instance, that slavery was someday going to be abolished, but they knew it was going to be for several generations. However, they wanted the amendment process to be difficult, so that the Constitution wasn't changed by people's fleeting whims. In other words, they made the process difficult so that 'popular passions' wouldn't alter the Constitution.

Why is the formal amendment process so difficult and complicated?

The Framers wanted the people to be absolutely sure before they changed the Constitution.

Why did elizabeth cady Stanton oppose the 15th amendment to the US constitution?

well maybe so theU.S constitution will make a law so women can vote

Where are all amendments of the constitution approved at?

Constitutional amendments must first pass both houses of congress, and they are then sent to the states to be ratified. To become a law, 3/4 of the states must agree to ratify an amendment. This is to make sure that amending the constitution is difficult and requires a lot of thought before it happens. So, to sum up, after a proposed amendment is approved by congress, it must then go to the individual states; if enough states vote to approve it, the amendment becomes a part of the constitution.

The constitution can be changed by a process called what?

The constitution can be changed by a process called amendment. This typically involves proposing a change and then ratifying it through a specified mechanism outlined in the existing constitution.

Why do you think the founding fathers made the amendment process difficult?

They did that so that silly ideas or Willy nilly things that weren't needed or against the constitution couldn't be added easily.

Why do you think the authors of the Constitution decided to make amending the Constitution a slow and difficult process?

So that random and potentially faulty amendments could not be just stuck there..

Why does the Constitution provide that both houses of  Congress's must agree to the proposal of an amendment?

Its so the country is properly represented as a whole on something as big as adding an amendment to the constitution.

What is called change to the Constitution?

Do you mean "What is a change to the U.S Constitution?" if so the answer is an amendment if not ask somebody else sorry!

Has the us ever changed the constitution?

An amendment is a change to the constitution so no once they have been enacted they have not changed.

Why was the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution so important?

The 13th Amendment is important because it outlawed slavery in the United States.