

Why must meat and fish be kept in a freezer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Too protect the meat and or fish from harmful bacteria in the air.

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Q: Why must meat and fish be kept in a freezer?
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They must be keep at room temperature, it's a bad idea to put the into a freezer.

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Dairy and meat must be kept strictly separate.

Can saltwater fish live in freshwater?

No, freshwater fish must be kept in freshwater and saltwater fish must be kept in saltwater. The one exception (that I know of) in nature is salmon which migrate from where they were born (freshwater) to the ocean and then back to where they were born again to breed.

Why is it not vital to keep the lid of a chest freezer closed?

Any freezer needs to be kept closed as much as possible if you wish for it to remain cold. However a chest freezer will not warm up as fast as an upright freezer. This is because the cold air in the freezer is heavier than the air outside of the freezer. When you open an upright freezer the cold air "falls" out, this can't happen with a chest freezer.

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No soap radio.

Is food from animal good for the diet?

It's according to the type of meat you're eating,for example fish,fish is healthy animal meat.But you must be careful of the type of animal meat you're eating or else the meat can make gain weight

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Yes, some people keep sea horses as pets. They are not easy animals to keep because they require good water quality, constant water flow and a special diet. If you want to keep seahorses as pets you should start by researching the care of other saltwater animals. The more you know about the species of animal you want to keep the better.

What is the difference between a walk in freezer and a cool room?

The temperature is the main difference. A freezer has to be below zero (i.e., it must actually freeze the contents), while a cool room will simply keep the contents cool. Ice cream is kept in a freezer, and produce or fresh meat is kept in a cool room.Additionally, a walk-in freezer should have more insulation in the walls and the floor should be built differently.

Raw food must be thawed in the freezer?

No. If put in a freezer it will stay frozen.

Are guppies warm or cold blooded?

No it is a fish and all fish are cold blooded. It is however tropical in its needs and must be kept above 70F.

Can the same sex of betas live in the same bowl?

No fish should ever be kept in a "Bowl". The basic rules of keeping fish successfully are. :- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. ":- Every tank must have a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week." A male Betta is a 3 inch fish and so must have at least 3 gallons of water to do reasonably well. Bettas are tropical fish and so need their water to be kept at around 78F. Female Bettas can be kept together OK in a well planted aquarium. Male Bettas have evolved to kill any other Betta in its environment. That why they have the name "Fighting Fish".

Why does your freezer keep thawing and freezing?

Your freezer must be switched off or knackered ! mickf15