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Q: Why safranin is used in counter stain?
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What counter stain is used in gram staining?


Which step of a gram stain can be omitted without affecting determination of the reaction?

you can omit the last step - the safranin counterstain

What is the counterstain in a spore stain?

the counter stain is safranin 0.5%

What is safranin solution in science?

safranin is a biological stain used in histology n cytology

Is carbol fuchsin the same as safranin?

No. safranin is the classic stain used in gram staining. Concentrated Carbol Fushin is mainly used for the ZN staining procedure to stain organisms such as Vibrio cholerae and Cryptosporidium. Diluted Carbol Fushin can however be used as a replacement counterstain for Safranin in the gram stain.

What are the effects of safranin stain on the cell?

Safranin is a biological stain which generally colors the cell nuclei red. In analytical chemistry, it is also used as redox indicator.

Is safranin an acidic dye?

Sure, any basic stain can be used for simple, direct staining.

If Congo red is used instead of safranin in the gram stain technique what would happen?


Describe the microscopic appearance of encapsulated streptococcus if stained with safranin?

Safranin (red) is used in gram staining and endospore staining as the secondary stain. Nigrosin is used in negative staining, staining only the background and not the bacteria. Therefore, the bacteria within the capsule would stain red from the safranin. (Like in endospore staining and negative gram staining, safranin would stain the bacteria red.) Nigrosin would stain the background of the organism just as it would in negative staining. Bacteria (within capsul): stained safranin red Capsule (outer layer of bacteria): clear Background of organism: stained dark with Nigrosin

What is gram stain reaction for Borrelia Burgdoferi?

when stained with Gram stain Borrelia take up the counter stain which is carbol fuchsin or safranin and they appear as Gram negative spiral rods in gram film. In order to stain them the time required for staining them is little bit more as compared to normal gram staining. The initial steps are the same but once you apply the counter stain leave it for a while may be 5-10 mins depending upon the strength of counter stain. After washing the slide and drying once can see them on oil immersion lense.

What is secondary and counter stain?

counterstains are selected to be contrasting color so that the target of the primary stain can easily be differentiated on a contrasting background. This makes life easier, when, for example you need to count the number of nuclei in a smear, or number of gram positive bacteria in a mixed population.