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To build up muscles faster and get use to the work out

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So yo muscles don't get stingy.

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Q: Why should you start with low intensity exercise for muscular endurance?
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Why should you start with low intensity exercise when building muscular endurance?

It is important to start with low intensity exercises to avoid muscle strain and injury. As stamina and muscles become adapted to exercise, the exercise routine can be increased.

How can you raise your muscular endurance?

You have to regularly exercise whichever muscles you want to improve the endurance of. The exercise should not be at the absolute maximum of intensity that the muscle can do (for example, don't lift as much weight as humanly possible, or run as fast as you can). Rather, do just enough that it is slightly difficult, but do it as long as possible. Remember, it is important when you work out heavily during a day to give your body at least a day of rest afterward before exercising the same area again. BTW: I'm not a professional, but this is what I have heard from people who should know.

What methods are acceptable to assess exercise intensity?

There are many methods that acceptable to assess exercise intensity. All of these methods should be recommended for your body specifically by a doctor.

How long should you do a muscular strength exercise?

Frequency depends on nature of muscle in size, intensity must be as challenging it can be, duration for per set will be less then 3 minute.

What are 2 component of physical fitness?

There are 5 components to fitness. The 5 basic elements of fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. To become physically fit, your fitness program should result in improvements in all 5 areas.

Exercise intensity should be at what percentage of your VO2 max?

55% to 85%

What percentage of MHR should exercise intensity be to improve VO2max?


What is muscular endurence?

Muscular endurance is very important for people playing sports and who have to sustain an activity for long periods of time. Muscular endurance is determined by how well your slow twitch muscle fibers are developed. In case your wondering what slow twitch muscle fibers are, I will explain. There are generally two types of muscle fibers in your body, slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch muscle fibers cannot exert as much force as fast twitch, but can sustain an effort over a much greater period of time. Fast twitch muscle fibers can exert a great amount of force but for a very limited amount of time. Therefore, slow twitch equals endurance, while fast twitch equals strength.If you are looking to improve muscular endurance, the best way would be to involve yourself in just about any cardivascular activity, such as running, biking, and playing sports. Even walking will help you stay healthy and condition your leg muscles, to a point. If you are looking to improve the endurance of your upper body, bodyweight exercises such as chin-ups, push-ups, triceps dips, etc., will improve this, and your strength as well.Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time. The combination of strength and endurance. Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle to do continuous work over a long period of time.Muscular endurance is a crucial element of fitness for the athletes such as swimmers, rowers, distant runners and cyclists. It is important for a number of team sports such as field hockey, soccer and Australian Rules football. But what does muscular endurance mean? Muscular endurance is a combination of strength and endurance of muscles. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to perform repeated muscular contractions against resistance for an extended period of time. It is associated with the muscle's ability to continue to perform without fatigue. In order to improve your muscular endurance, you should try some cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, walking, biking, dancing or bicycling. Some bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, chin-ups, triceps dips, etc. would improve the endurance and strength of upper body muscles. Muscular endurance is related to the length of time a muscle can perform repeated muscle actions against a sub-maximal resistance. It is determined by the maximum number of repetitions performed at a given percentage of a person's one-repetition maximum.Different levels of muscular endurance are required for different sports. There are three major categories of muscular endurance such as power endurance, short-term muscular endurance and long-term muscular endurance. Athletes such as sprinters, martial artists, baseball pitchers, fencers, wrestlers and tennis players generate powerful movements repetitively. A certain level of power endurance is needed in order to maintain the same amount of power with each effort. Short-term muscular endurance training is beneficial for sports and events, which consist of bouts of exercise lasting for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Muscular endurance training helps athletes tolerate high levels of lactic acids and cope with fatigue. Long-term muscular endurance is required for continuous, steady-state events such as triathlon, marathon and rowing, which last more than 2 minutes. In order to improve your muscular endurance, you must know about muscle fitness.

When focusing on muscular size or endurance how long should you rest between sets?

30-60 seconds between each set

When focusing on muscular size or endurance how long should you rest in between sets?

For muscular size, rest 1-2 minutes between sets to allow for sufficient recovery while maintaining intensity. For muscular endurance, rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets to keep heart rate elevated and build stamina. Adjust rest times based on individual goals and fitness level.

Why can you only metabolise fat at lower exercise intensities?

One should exercise at low intensity when he/she wants to lose weight. Exercise for a long time, then you metabolise.

Is it true or false that if you increase the intensity of the exercise you can decrease the duratio?

To decrease the possibility of developing an "athlete's heart" vigorous exercise for young adults should be avoided.