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Causes of the decline of the Italian Renaissance are varied. There was the French invasion in 1494, after which nonstop warfare ensued. This was a major factor. The French king Charles VIII saw Italy as a perfect target for his ambitious dynastic goals. In 1494, he led his army of 30,000 troops across the Alps to press his claims to the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples. Florence succumbed to the French and in less than a year, Naples had been conquered too. Charles was forced to withdraw briefly when Spain formed an alliance with the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, Milan and Venice, but Charles's successor, Louis XII, began a second invasion and from 1499 to 1529, warfare in Italy was continuous.

In addition to this, a waning of Italian prosperity also led to the decline of the Renaissance. Italy's virtual monopoly of trade with Asia in the 15th century had been a key economic support for all the intellectual and artistic developments during the Renaissance. But when trade routes shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic region, Italy lost its supremacy as the center of European trade. Warfare also created another economic hardship for Italy.

Last, but not least, the Counter-Reformation was a cause of the decline of the Renaissance. The Roman church sought to exercise firm control over all thought and art as part of a campaign to fight worldliness and the spread of Protestantism. In 1542, the Roman Inquisition started; in 1564, the first Roman Index of Prohibited Books was published. Even Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" in the Sistine Chapel was critiqued for exposing too many naked bodies. Therefore, Pope Paul IV ordered an artist to paint in clothing wherever possible.

Thus, combining these three causes together, we see that the Italian Renaissance declined because it was simply restrained. There was a war going on, not enough money for artistic developments, and ecclesiastical censors.

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The renaissance did not die out, it continued to develop and became the Industrial Revolution, which has since developed into the Information Age.

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