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It wasn't the only country, Liberia also resisted colonization.

Ethiopia did so through a strong military and military leader. They were however briefly ruled by Italy between 1936 and 1941.

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Q: Why was Ethiopia the only country not taken over by Europeans?
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What is the only country in Africa to not be colonized?

the only county of east Africa that was never coonized by the europeans was the ethiopians

What country of Sub-Saharan Africa held out the longest against European colonialism?

Ethiopia was the only nation to resist the Europeans my friend God Bless

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Ethiopia was the only African country to NOT be colonized

How many African Nations managed to resist colonization in 1914?

Ethiopia was the only African country to successfully resist colonizing Europeans. Liberia also maintained independence, but since the country was founded by African-Americans in the early 1800s, Europeans considered it a "civilized" country and never threatened its independence militarily.

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That would be Liberia and Ethiopia.

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Which African country successfully avoided colonization-?

Ethiopia is the popular country for being only one of two African countries which successfully avoided colonization.

Is Ethiopia Africa's oldest country?

Yes. Human life is thought to have originated in the Ethiopian region, and has been called Ethiopia (as a part of sub-saharan Africa, which was referred to by that name) since at least the time of Herodotus (484 - 425 B.C.) It is the only African nation to never have been colonized by Europeans.

What two countries in Africa was not colonized by the Europeans?

Ethiopia and Liberia --- The Italians eventually conquered Ethiopia in 1938, but this is considered part of the World War II Axis expansion and not a proper colonization. After World War II, Ethiopia became independent again.

Is Ethiopia in peace or involved in war?

Ethiopia in not in war. But it has a low-key insurgency movement in the southern-east. Considering that this only affects a tiny section of the country, we can say that Ethiopia is currently in peace.

Who did Italy attack after being defeated in Ethiopia?

well according to my text book the where defeated by Ethiopia and they where the only country at the time to be defeated by a African country. after they took the great defeat they invaded Turkish lands.