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In St. Valentine's Day, the Emperor was having trouble finding people for the army because so many men were getting engaged and married. Engaged and newly married men didn't want to leave their sweethearts and new brides to go to war! So, for the time being, all engagements and marriages were cancelled in Rome. Valentine was a priest, and he married people even though he knew it was against what the emperor had decreed. Valentine was thrown in prison for this and eventually beheaded.

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Valentine's day is a celebration of the Roman Saint Valentine. It has been rumored for many centuries, that Saint Valentine had been in prison for persecuting the Christians, but there is not factual evidence for this.

Who sentenced Saint Valentine to prison?

Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus ordered Valentine arrested, tortured and executed.

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No, but it is said that he was so pro-love that he married people while in prison.

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February 14 is the feast day of Saint Valentine of Rome.

What did St. Valentine do that put him in prison?

Saint Valentine was a priest in Rome in the mid-3rd century (back when Christianity was still illegal in the Roman empire). He was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding Christians being persecuted under Emperor Claudius II.

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Saint Valentine of Rome is the patron saint of lovers.

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Valentines day was named after Saint Valentine.

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Saint valentine

Who ordered that Saint Valentine be put to death?

The Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus was ultimately responsible for the death of Valentine.

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Saint Valentine was a priest in Rome.

Which saint is Valentine's Day named after?

Saint Valentine of Rome

Why is Valentine named after Saint Valentine?

The feast day of Saint Valentine of Rome is on February 14. He is considered the patron saint of lovers.