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Islam in Spain has had a fundamental presence in the culture and history of the nation. By the time 'Abd al-Rahman reached Spain, the Arabs from North Africa were already entrenched on the Iberian Peninsula and had begun to write one of the most glorious chapters in Islamic history. It is commonly held that the relative ease that the Arab/Berber armies conquered the Iberian Peninsula with was due to the centralized nature of government under the rule of the Visigoths.

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Q: Why was Spain a relatively easy area of Europe for the Muslims to conquer?
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un pito wey

How did the Muslims lose control of Spain?

The Muslims lost control of Spain due to several military defeats in northern Spain and the internal collapse of the Umayyad Empire. When the northern Christian Kingdoms were able to take advantage of squabbles between the numerous Islamic Kingdoms, the reconquest of Spain for Christianity proceeded much more quickly.

How did ancient Muslim culture spread to Europe?

Even though Muslims did conquer Spain, the reason that Muslim culture spread to Europe was because Islam, was in a very good location for trade. They were surrounded by many bodies of water (for boats to come in and trade). They were also surrounded by three continents (for people to come in and trade by foot or caravan). People from Europe came in to trade and encountered many Muslims. These European traders came in touch with many things that Muslims did as part of their culture. They then decided on their own to convert. These caused the spread of Muslim culture to Europe!

Spain was the only part of Europe ruled by the?

The Moors ruled most of Spain and Portugal and parts of France, Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. The Moors were Muslims. Other large portions of the western world, including other parts of Europe, were controlled by other Muslims under the Ottoman Empire.

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To Conquer Spain.

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What country had the largest number of Jews and Muslims during the middle ages?

In Europe, the largest numbers of Jews and Muslims were in Spain. I suspect the number of both in Egypt was probably greater.