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The feast day of Saint Valentine of Rome is on February 14. That is why it is called Valentine's Day.

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Q: Why was Valentine's Day named after a saint?
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Related questions

What does Saint Valentine have to do with Valentine's Day?

Valentines day was named after Saint Valentine.

On which day do we celebrate Saint Valentine's Day?

February 14th is Saint Valentines day

Who was Valentines Day for?

Valentines Day was for Saint Valentine. Most stores just wanted to make it a holiday so they could get money by selling candy so they started the holiday Valentines day on the feast day of Saint Valentine

When is Valentine's Day and why is it celebrated?

Valentines day is on February the 14th and is celebrated because a saint, named saint Valentine was in jail and while he was there he fell in love with the jailers daughter who was blind & on the day that he was suppose to be hanged, February the 14th, he sent one last love letter to the jailers daughter signed from your Valentines and that is why people write your valentines at the end of there cards and why its celebrated.

Who is the day named after?

St valentines

Who discovered Valentine's Day?

Valentines day was to recognize the death of Saint Valentine.

Who is Valentine's Day named after?

Valentine's Day is named for St. Valentine, whose feast day is celebrated on February 14. He is remembered as a martyr who gave his life for his faith.

When did the St valentines day massacre take place?

Saint Valentine's Day 1929

What celebration is on the Feb 14th?

it is what you won't

Why 14 Feb is celebrated as a official day for Valentines?

It is celebreated as Valentine day after saint Valentine.

How long did the saint valentines day massacre last?

It was a thing of a few minutes.

What was Al Capone's most famous killing?

The Saint Valentines Day Massacre