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Women were considered to be less intelligent then men. It was as though they could not understand the world around them and would not be able to make an informed decision. In addition, men wanted to remain as the dominant gender to be able to control women and remain in power over them.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Because a woman was only allowed to do cleaning and they weren't allowed to do important jobs like; inventing................................................this is some what true but not like this the reason women weren't allowed to vote in Canada was because people (the government, men and some women against women voting). Though women were to emotional to vote and would become to excited, they also though they didn't have enough knowledge to vote. And there job was to just stay at home and have a family and look after kids. People also thought there was no point because women would just vote the same as there husbands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........this might sound ridiculous now but at the time of the decision these were big concerns. Canada has changed for the better and for the worst and this is one thing for the better, so remember change is good, especially for the better.!

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13y ago

It actually wasn't that long ago in the United States that women were finally granted the right to vote.

Women struggled for decades for this right, that men had, even black men had, for decades before them. Originally, white men who owned property were the only men who could vote, but eventually, states began dropping the property qualification and all white men age 21 and over were allowed to vote. Soon after the 14th Amendment was ratified, granting all men, including black men, equal rights, the 15th amendment was passed, granting black men the right to vote, as well.

It wasn't for another 50 years that women gained the same right.

One thing you must consider is that we live in a patriarchal society, something many argue has changed little, but what was true then which (arguably) isn't true now is that what we would call sexism today was sanctioned by American law. The predominant views held during the post-1920s time period was that women did not have the same logical capabilities men did. That they were primarily emotional creatures, whilst men were rational. Women, also, were thought to be of the family and the home, the private sphere, while men were said to belong in the public sphere. There was a literal consensus that women were inferior to men, of body and mind-they were weaker and duller.

The woman's suffrage movement did begin to gain momntum, however, there were female radicals who literally starved themselves in protest over not having equal rights to men. Some were more radical and literally broke windows and destroyed property to get attention.

Finally in 1920, the 19th Amendment, granted women age 21 and older the right to vote.

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11y ago

because they would only let the men vote, cause they thought women shouldn't have a right to say anything, which we also couldn't work us women were like Maid's...and also wealthy people could only vote, but a little later on all men got to vote, and then women got to...Hope ii helped (: xx.

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12y ago

if you meant to say allowed to vote that was because men have always underestimated women physically and emotionally. they came to the conclusion that women wouldn't be able to handle such issues and thay they have to be submissive to the husband and be at home taking care of the house and children. women were just seen as property themselves that's the reason that male slaves were allowed to vote first than white women.

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12y ago

Women were not allowed to vote in the past because women weren't considered 'persons'. The Women's Suffrage fought for the women's right to vote. Men were always considered superior to women. 1920 - The USA, but not Native American women. 1918 - United Kingdom (partial), Germany, Canada, Austria

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