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Q: Why were the 5 states added while George Washington president?
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Why was a statue of George Washington added to the Washington monument?

It was put in there to honor our first president, George Washington.

What states were there when George Washington was president?

The original 13, and later during his term, 3 were added (Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee)

Who was president when the bill of rights was added to the constitution?

George Washington

How Many states were there when George Washington became your president?

George washington became a president in washington d.c named after him when he made the declartation of independance and then made the white house benjamin banneker help him build it and now on each president lives in the white house when they get voted for president and with all the memories with the old presidents.

Which man was president of the United States when the bill of rights was ratified?

The Bill of Rights were ratified in 1791 while George Washington was the president.The Bill of Rights was approved on June 25, 1789 and Washington took office in September 1789, so no one was president.

Where did the us expand during George Washington's presidency?

Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee were added to the union while Washington was President. There was no territorial expansion.

Who was the president When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

Im not sure, but it was not George Washington, George was president after the constitution was created, that includes the bill of rights. So who ever was still in power from the Articles of Confederation...

How many cabinet members have been added since George Washington was president?

Washington has four cabinet secretaries; Obama has 11 more.

Under which president was the Bill of Rights added?

Washington. The Congress wouldn't ratify it until the Bill of Rights was added. Then, Washington was elected President. So actually there was no President when they were added.

Which president saw the most states added to the union?

Benjamin Harrison holds the record with six states added to the union while he was President. The states added were N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming. ( Even though Harrison won 16 of the 20 electoral votes from the new states in 1892, he still lost the election. )

What president added six new states?

Benjamin Harrison - N Dakota, S Dakota, Montana, Washington in 1889, Idaho and Wyomeing in 1890.

What was added to the Constitution during Washington's presidency?

The first 10 amendments, known as the bill of rights, were added to the constitution while Washington was president.