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To end the war in the Pacific:

Initially German scientists (who had fled Germany) learned of the plans the Nazi Germans had to build an atom bomb. Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt. FDR had a committee formed to consider whether the US should create some atom bombs to use against the German Nazis. They decided they should and created the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bombs. The war in Germany and Europe ended before they could test the atom bomb. They also had to consider whether or not to use it against Japan since they were being excessively and unwisely stubborn about surrendering.

The allied forces had planned to invade Japan to get the Japanese to surrender or to put an end to the Japanese Military Forces. The think tank people determined over a million Americans and other allies would die if they invaded Japan. They also calculated there would be millions of Japanese civilians and military personnel that would die too. It was determined the war would last another year or more.

Very few American Government Officials knew about the atom bombs. President Truman did not even know of them until he became the president after FDR died. He struggled with the decision to use the bomb on Japan. At that point, the bomb had not been tested so he had them test it. No one new if the bombs would even work or how they would perform once they were dropped.

The test revealed they could work and do significant damage. Truman weighed whether it would be beneficial to drop them or not. In the end he decided that killing hundreds of thousands was better than many millions during in an invasion of Japan. He hoped and prayed the Japanese would give up after they used the bombs.

The ironic thing is that some of uranium from Japan was used in the Manhattan Project. The US officials found the uranium on a German U-Boat. So the Japanese had their own uranium used against them. (The uranium was not used in the bombs on Japan but rather in the development of the bombs.) The Japanese had been waiting for the delivery of the uranium for the atom bombs they were manufacturing. They never did get to use their "dirty bombs" against the allied forces.

Think of the Military Japanese viewpoint. They were trained to never surrender and to die to win or lose. They were more affected and impressed by the napalm bombings than they were by the atom bombs. The atom bombs did less damage than the napalm bombs did. Emperor Hirohito however went to see the damage from the atom bombs and decided they had to surrender.

His military leaders refused to surrender and tried to stop Emperor Hirohito. But the emperor knew he had to end the war. The Soviet Union military force was ready to invade and the Allied Forces were ready to invade. Hirohito had to fear the Soviets more than the Americans after he had learned what happened in the Eastern Front of Europe and in Manchuria. So he decided it was better to surrender than risk more atom bombs, more napalm bombs and the Soviets invading his nation.

So the bombs and the inevitable invasions by the Soviets and the Americans did motivate Emperor Hirohito to surrender, even at the risk of his own peril by his military leaders.

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