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Representatives, as opposed to Senators, are based on population. Senators are simply assigned 2 per State. Section 2 of Article II of the US Constitution provides that for every 30,000 people, a State will receive one representative (though every state has at least one representative). Since they did not have a census yet to calculate population, the States simply agreed within the Constitution (same section) on the distribution of representatives for each state, with the total of 65 people. The first census, pursuant to the Constitution, was to take place within 3 years of adoption, at which time the appropriate number of representatives would actually be established. That probably means, for instance, if you looked at the population of Virginia at the time, which received 10 initial representatives, that its population was in the vicinity of 300,000 at the time. Rhode Island was probably 30,000 or less. Though until the first census, it was just a guess.

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Q: Why were there only 65 members in the original house of representatives?
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The Speaker of the House is chosen from the party that holds the majority of elected members in the House. The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.

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No. The number of the house of representatives can only be changed by a law enacted by congress.

How many members are in the house?

In the house of representatives there are 435 members. Unlike the senate that has 2 members for each state in the house some states may only have 1 representative while others have 18 or more. The amount each state has depends on its population, after each census the number of representatives for each state is adjusted.

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By far, the group in Congress that has more members is the U.S House of Representatives. The Senate only has 100 members. The House, however, has 435 voting members.

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Members of the House of Representatives. [NovaNet]

Has expelled only four members?

Each branch of government has the ability to expel members that are not fulfilling their duties. The House of Representatives has only had to expel 4 members throughout history.

There are 435 representatives?

Assuming the question refers to the United States' House of Representatives, yes. However, in order to conduct business, the House only requires a quorum, or 218 members.

Which branch of government can impose and collect taxes?

Only the House of Representatives can propose tax laws. The House of Representatives is part of the legislative branch. The House of Representatives combined with the Senate make up Congress. There is a total of 535 members in Congress.

Why aren't members of the Senate also called representatives?

Simply stated the Constitution established three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. And it further divided the legislative branch into the House of Representative and the Senate. That's their proper names, which is why they are capitalized. And that's your answer. Members of the Senate are called Senators because they belong to the Senate. They are not called Representatives because they do not belong to the House of Representatives.