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They will go fine - try to use a fine gravel so that the cories can root around nicely - maybe even consider adding a few more cories? bring it up to 5 - they will be much happier. Keep the PH at 6.5 - 7 and make sure the ghost shrimp get enough food - they can starve. Good luck

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Q: Will 10 Neon Tetras 10 Zebra Danios 2 Peppered Corys and 5 Ghost Shrimp be okay in a 29 gallon tank?
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What are some relaxing freshwater fish to watch that can be kept in a ten gallon tank?

Community style tank would be best for relaxing and smaller. Tetras, Danios, female Betas, cory cats, etc.

I have a 55 gallon freshwater tropical aquarium and I was wondering if 3 bristlenose plecos 6 glowlight tetras 6 noen tetras and 6 zebra danios would work together?

Yes, but make sure that you have enough filtration for the bioload as plecos are pooping machines, and the plecos need to have driftwood in the tank to aid in digestion.

Can you keep a betta with bumblebee gobies?

No, but some tank mates you can consider if your betta is in a 10 gallon tank are neon tetras, rasboras, white cloud minnows, or even some ghost shrimp.

What types of fish can live in a 15 gallon aquarium comfortably?

many small fish such as small tetras, rasboras, smaller shrimp, guppies, platies, endlers, etc. or, you could get a betta with a small school of tetras as long as neither of them are fin nippers as their personalities vary by individual.... (the betta would love you for all the room)

I added danios yesterday and now the betta has been sitting on one corner doing nothing which is not his usual self. Can a betta a snail and two danios live in a 6.6 gallon tank?

There are a few major problems with this setup. :( 1. Danios need to live in a school; usually with at least six to eight fish, which your aquarium is not big enough to house. 2. It isn't a good idea to put a betta with danios, who tend to get aggressive. Since bettas move slowly, the danios might nip at his tail, and the betta won't be able to excape them. Danios are very darty and fast, and their constant movement may be stressful for your betta. In my experience, neon tetras work great with a betta, since they don't move very fast and aren't tail-nipping fish. For that you will need at least 10 gallons. The snail shouldn't be a problem, though. So if I were you I would get another aquarium. Consider a three gallon tank. Put your betta into that and leave the danios with the snail. Make sure to add some more danios to the group. Good luck, hope this helped.

How many Neon Tetras with a Betta in 4 gallon Aquarium?

You should only have 1 fish per gallon of water in a fish tank. I wouldn't put more than 2 or 3 Neon Tetras in a 4 gallon aquarium with 1 Betta.

Do glofish get along with a blackskirt tetra?

Glofish are genetically altered Danios and they grow to about 1.5 inches long. They will mix well with most Tetras including the Blackskirt (Blackwidow) Tetras that grow to around 2.5 inches long. Just remember the golden rules. All tanks need a cycled filter and a weekly water change of around 50% and "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water" so that you don't overstock.

Will 3 guppies and 3 neon tetras do well in a 10 gallon tank or do you need more tetras?

That is fine. You might consider getting some corydoras catfish.

Will a Betta fish attack other fish in the same tank?

Usually Yes I had a 30 gallon fish tank with 5 neon tetras, 4 cardinal tetras, 3 zebra danios, 2 swordtails, a dwarf gourami, a bunch of ghost shrimp, an otto catfish, and a red betta. The betta didn't pick on any of the other fish, even the neons and ghost shrimp. It was highly peaceful and had quite an appetite.(Not to mention cute As long as all the other fish a. Are not long finned b. Reasonably quick c. Don't look like a betta(like guppies) and the tank is a. Large(like mine) b. Not overcrowded c. Well planted and filtered The betta will be happy and get along fine with all the other fish

How many pounds of shrimp in 5 gallon bucket?

about 20 lbs of headed shrimp

30 gallon aquarium with 2 mollies 2 platies 2 otocinclus and 3 red minor tetras all about full grown how many neon tetras could you get?

You would probably be fine with 5-10 neon tetras.

What fish live in the same community as the beta?

Cherry Barbs, Cory Catfish, Zebra Danios, Platies, and some Mollies, but Mollies tend to bite the bettas tail. You have to have a bigger tank if you want to have a community tank. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon. I've also had some luck with the small Tetras.