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Usually 'Stop Leak' will not clog the core. Try flushing the cooling system out first. Note: The hot water goes in and the cooler water comes out. Flush the core going the other way so to clear any obstructions. If there is a clog, it might be something larger like bits of hose or corrosion. If the core is totally clogged, take it out and replace it with a new one. The amount of time you will spend doing this does not warrant using an old or used core.

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Q: Will Stop Leak clog up a heater coil and make it blow cold air?
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How can I stop the leaking of anti-freeze from my 1999 Chevy. Malibu?

Repairing the leak depends on where it is. A stop leak additive may help for a while, but use care as some additives can cause the heater core to clog up.

Does radiator stop leak hurt your car?

Yes. Can clog coolant passages in your engine and other areas.

Where do you add radiator Stop Leak to a 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva?

I have used radiator stop leak before in my 1996 Olds Achieva SC with the V6. I put it directly into the coolant resovor. It went in fine for me. This did not give me much help though. I would not recommend using stop leak. It will clog your heater core and then you will have more than the radiator as your problem. Fine a new radiator and replace it that is the best advidce i can give you.

Can a heater core be fixed or plugged without removal?

In many cases, yes. One of the many radiator "stop-leak" products, put into the radiator will normally do the job.Follow the manufacturer's instructions and add the stop-leak product, turn the heater on and set it to it's hottest of settings. Doing so will open the heater control valve, allow the maximum amount of radiator water to reach the heater coreand let the stop-leak product to do its work.The way most of these products work is, they cool and solidify when they reach the leak and are suddenly exposed to cooler air. Just don't forget to turn the heater on- if the control valve won't allow the heated radiator contents to get to the heater core, it won't do any good.Stop leak products sometimes do more harm than good. They can clog thermostats or reduce efficiency of radiator by reducing heat transfer ability. A quick fix is bypassing. Simply connect the two hoses together.

Does air conditioner leak stop work?

NO! its like looking for a magic pill to make you younger or live longer. Do not use it you will clog up the entire system and wind up replacing it. Find the leak and properly repair it. YES IT WILL STOP THE LEAK BUT NEEDS TO BE REPAIRED ASAP IT IS NOT WISE TO US IT BUT IT WIL STOP A SMALL LEAK.

How do you access hose to heater core on 96 blazer?

You have to remove the entire dash to get to the heater core. It is a job that makes even the most experienced mechanics cringe. What is the problem. If it is not putting out warm air you can back flush it. If it is leaking put some Alumaseal in your radiator. It won't clog up your cooling system, but will stop a leak in the heater core. I think it's a couple of bucks at your auto parts store. Don't put any of that Bar's leaks in the system. It WILL clog up your radiator. Stay away from the liquid gooey kind of leak fixer. Use only Alumaeal. After putting it in let your car fully heat up and turn on the heater maximum to get it to work.

Can a heater coil clogged by Stop Leak be cleaned?

YES - BY back flushing the heater core-same as back flushing the engine block-just use a garden hose. Usually 'Stop Leak' will not clog the core. Try flushing the cooling system out first. Note: The hot water goes in and the cooler water comes out. Flush the core going the other way so to clear any obstructions. If there is a clog, it might be something larger like bits of hose or corrosion. If the core is totally clogged, take it out and replace it with a new one. The amount of time you will spend doing this does not warrant using an old or used core.

Can Bars leak clog the radiator?

Yes, it is possible.

Does stop leak work in car radiators?

Yes, it will help seal small leaks in the cooling system. However it can also clog the system if you do not use it properly.

How to fix Small leak in radiator 1999 Tahoe?

There is a product that you can buy and add to your radiator called STOP LEAK. Add this product according to the instructions. Be careful, this product can also clog up your radiator if not used properly.

What causes Toyota MR2 to overheat only when stopped in stop and go traffic?

One or all of these not working properly; bad radiator cap, low coolant, bad thermostat, clog radiator, clog heater core, fan not coming on due to bad relay.

If water pump on 1995 Saturn is leaking what can you put in it to get it to stop or slow down the leak?

The only permanent repair for a leaking water pump is to replace it. Any product that claims to stop the leak is only a temporary emergency repair that will not last and will partially clog your cooling system. Repair it the right way by replacing the pump.