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Q: Will a glow stick stay on longer if you put it in the freezer?
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Does temperature effect the brightness of a glowstick?

Yes it is. If you put a activated glow stick in hot water the atoms in a glow stick will start to move around. The plastic will expand letting the atoms move. When the atoms move they create energy, energy equals bright light. If you were to put the activated glow stick in room temperature water it would not be as bright. The atoms will stay the same. If you were to put a activated glow stick in cold water the atoms won't move. They will huddle together. No movement means no energy which means no brightness. You are welcome :)

What will happen if you take modelling clay roll it into two balls wrap the balls in a plastic wrap and then put one in a freezer and one at room temperature?

The one in the freezer will harden up and if thrown upon a hard surface will shatter. The one in the place at room temperature will stay the same.

What does newtons 1st law have to do with hockey?

Newton's first law is a object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by a outside force so when you hit the puck with the stick the stick is the outside force and the puck moves

Why are javelins made of steel aluminium and or carbon fiber?

It is made from carbon fibre because it is lighter so it will stay in the air for longer

Why do liquids retain their teperature in a thermos?

substances cool as they lose heat energy, and get warmer as they gain heat energy. A thermos is an insulated container which opposes the movement of heat, thus hot liquids lose heat to the cooler outside more slowly and stay hotter for longer and cold liquids gain heat from the outside more slowly and stay colder for longer.

Related questions

Which of the following would decrease the amount of time of a glow stick to stay bright?

increase the temparature of the reactants

Is the liquid inside a glow stick safe for children?

They are safe as long as the chemicals stay inside the plastic cover. Do not open or cut the glow sticks keep the chemicals inside where they can not be ingested.

How do you help refrigerator stay cold during power outage?

Try not to open the door too often, this is the same with the freezer, if you leave the freezer door shut, the goods will stay frozen longer than you think,

Does temperature effect the brightness of a glowstick?

Yes it is. If you put a activated glow stick in hot water the atoms in a glow stick will start to move around. The plastic will expand letting the atoms move. When the atoms move they create energy, energy equals bright light. If you were to put the activated glow stick in room temperature water it would not be as bright. The atoms will stay the same. If you were to put a activated glow stick in cold water the atoms won't move. They will huddle together. No movement means no energy which means no brightness. You are welcome :)

Raw food must be thawed in the freezer?

No. If put in a freezer it will stay frozen.

Which freezer has the most space for the money?

Chests provide more space for the money and usually stay cold longer in power outages, which is useful if your area has blackouts.

How long does deer meat stay in the freezer stored in freezer bags?

12.75 days

How long can alcohol in a glass bottle stay in a freezer?

It will stay good for years.

How long does a sirloin roast stay good in a freezer?

Meat will stay good for about 8 months if properly sealed. Depending on the freshness when put in. In other words, if meat was at end of expiration, it will be in that shape when thawed. Longer periods will usually degrade meat due to freezer burn.

How long can cooked pork shoulder stay in freezer?

never put cooked meat in the freezer it will spoil

How long can a fresh ham stay in the freezer?

Six months to a year; if properly wrapped and if your freezer stays on.

How do you get English peas to stay fresh?

you put them in the freezer