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in some conditions it might

by estherbella*

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Q: Will a male heghog kill his babies if their in the same cage?
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Do you have to take a male rabbit out of the cage when the female is going to have babies?

yes you do or the male will kill the babys

If there is two male mouses in a cage and one female mouse gave birth will the males eat or kill the babies?

the males will eat and kill the babies

Can a rabbit be left with the male when she is pregnant?

No because once the female has her baby or babies the male will kill them so the best thing to do is move the male to a different cage and do not touch the mother wile she is pregnant you could harm the babies.

Can a male mouse go in a females cage when mating?

Sure, but don't be surprised if they breed and you end up with babies.By the way if they do have babies DONT touch them(the babies and the mum) until the babies have fur otherwise you can kill the babies.

What should you do if your pet mouse is eating her babies?

Is the male still in the cage with them? She will go right into heat again if there are no babies...lose the male!

How a hamster has a baby?

move the male in the females cage and they will have sex and have babies

Do you have to separate the male gerbil from the female and her babies?

Yes you have to separate the male gerbil from the female with her babies because if you leave the male with the female and her babies the male will kill them.

How long do you separate the male hamster from the female during birth?

Once my two hamsters had babies, I separated the father from the mother permanently, because if you put the babies and the father together, the father could kill the babies because he thinks they will challenge him for leader of the cage.

How long do you keep the male away from the females babies?

Um... At least a month and a half. If the male is showing signs of aggression toward the babies you should keep the male in a separate cage.

If you have 1 male and 1 female hamster in the same cage and the boy is older will the female kill it?

its likely they will just breed but the male might attack the babies and if theyr syrian hamsters they should be separated because they will fight

When do you bring back the male hamster back with the babies?

You dont. The male may kill the babies. You need to keep the males apart from the babies.

Can the male mouse be with the mom when she has her babies?

No, the male mouse will harm the babies if they are not old enough. I left my male mouse in the same cage when my female had babies, what I found was that she would only go near the babies when it was feeding time, other than that my male ( the father ) was the one to protect then when people put their hands in the cage and he would sit on them to keeo them warm it was so cute, also good for the babies as he is the size on a small rat. xXx LostNHopeless