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No. Because the kittens need the milk from their mother


Yes, absolutely. If 2 female cats have kittens close to the same age, they will sometimes steal and nurse the kittens. Strong maternal instincts

Actually, it is pretty rare. I once owned 21 cats at the same time and the kitten can usually tell its own mother apart from the other adult females. It's not unheard of though so yes.

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Yes. But this only happens if the mother cat is very accepting.

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Q: Would a cat nurse kittens that didn't belong to her?
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Mother cat got lost for four days is it okay to let her nurse the kittens now that she has returned?

I would say yes, unless it appears she is injured or not interested at all in feed the kittens...

Is it okay for a spayed mother to let her kittens nurse?

It will do no harm; usually the kittens are weaned before the mother is spayed.

What is it called when a mother feeds her kittens?

When a mother cat feeds it's kittens, the process is called, "nursing". A mother will nurse her kittens until they have the proper nourishment and are old enough to feed themselves.

Is it common for a queen cat to nurse another cats kittens but not clean them?

Yes, this is quite comment to cats, as they can get closely attached to other kittens, and her instinks to tell her to feed and nurse other kittens when needed!AnswerYes it's very commen, a female cat will nurse other kittens, but wont clean them due to its particule sent that is of its birth mother! Answeryes AnswerYa, that happened to me, and my friends. It's werid they just feed them, and ot clean them. We thought she was sick, and took her to the vet, but the vet said it was normal. it is very common , you can see this in wild cats that live in big groups when a female gives birth other females will nurse her kittens and help her , it is amazing.

Does mother cats milk come back after drying up if the kittens nurse again?

yes it does

Why is koko the gorilla so smart?

because she had help from crack heads and she tried to nurse kittens

How will she react to others kittens that aren't hers?

Answer: She will react in one of three ways. A: Her maternal instincts will take over and she will begin to care for and even nurse the kittens. B: She will become protective of her own kittens and try to harm the strange ones. C: She will ignore the kittens completely.

Do all animals that nurse their young belong to the same group?

Yes, all animals that nurse their young belong to the group of mammals. Mammals have mammary glands that produce milk to nourish their offspring.

Why would a make cat let another cat nurse off him Fake nurse they are both kittens around 3 months?

It has been known for a very long time that when kittens are removed (weaned) from their mothers too young, they will engage in behavior that is soothing to them. When kittens nurse on their mother, they knead each side of the teat with their little paws, which enhances milk flow and augments their sucking. So, kittens may "self-parent" by suckling on another kitten (or even a dog) or suckle on their own paw pad/toes. As long as there is no irritation to the skin or paw from this behavior, it should not be an issue. This behavior will usually (but not always) decrease as they get older and be replaced with self grooming (or grooming others).

Does Juliet stop sharing secrets with the nurse?

she didnt tell her about the potion, so she some what stpped telling the nurse sercrets.

What helps a mother cat produce milk for her kittens?

Cats nurse kittens until the kittens are about four or five weeks old. At this age, kittens begin to wean and are able to eat soft kitten food. The mother cat's teets will dry and retract slightly. The only true way to tell if a cat is still nursing kittens is through observation.

Is there a stuffed animal with nipples to nurse a litter of kittens?

I have never heard of a product like this - most veterinarians will tell clients with orphaned litters of kittens to settle in for hand nursing and bottle nursing the kittens individually. It is an interesting concept though, so if you are interested in developing one I suggest going for it - it would be a major help to rescue organizations and shelter groups.