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There are many causes of dizziness, and only some of them will be helped by exercise. The good news, is that unless you hyperventilate while exercising (doing too much breathing), exercise WON'T make your dizziness worse! So, you have very little to lose by trying it out for yourself and see. I would guess (haphazardly) that you would have to do something for between 4 - 12 weeks before deciding that it wasn't working when it comes to exercise. Dizziness caused by low blood pressure when you rise after squating for a few minutes will likely be helped due to the muscles that "squeeze" your neck muscles being in better shape. Do neck bridges to focus on this area. Go slow, and get doctor's advice if you weigh over 200 lbs (or even less)! Dizziness caused by inner ear disturbances probably won't see much improvement, unless they also happen to eliminate the disturbance through tumbling activity. Dizziness caused by diet can dramatically improve, as physical exercise requires slothful people to increase their nutrition intake, (eat more food), and some of the nutients that they were missing will now be supplied in sufficient quantity to do the body some good. Dizziness caused by a lack of lung capacity (not enough oxygen getting to the brain) can DEFINITELY be helped by exercise. You won't even have to wait long to see tiny results if this is the case! I can think of others, but some doctor with practical and actual experience in this area should probably take over from here. Any sports medicine guys or women out there? I'd hate to give out totally false advice...

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Q: Will exercise help with dizziness
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Dizziness brought on by heat or exercise can be caused by dehydration and/or low blood sugar. (Since this was originally put in the Migraine category, I will also answer that both dehydration as well as low blood sugar can trigger migraines, and migraines can cause dizziness. Also, there is something known as Exercise Induced Headache, whereby just by doing exercise can trigger an intense headache. Dizziness may be a part of that headache as well.)

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exercise will not exacerbate this, it will either do nothing or help it

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