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no they wwill not die

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Q: Will turtles die if they arent in water?
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turtles arent real

What do sea turtles do when the water gets cold?

they die

Can snapping turtles be in pool water?

Yes but they will die.

Can turtles that live in water survive on land?

no it will die. :(

Can eastern box turtles live in water?

No. technically, tarapins are land creatures and turtles live in a water environment (i.e. loggerhead turtles, snapping turtles)

Why are green turtles graceful?

because they arent so blue

Why is you're as fast as a turtle not a good simile?

Because turtles arent fast...

What happens if turtles lay eggs under water?

they will die and so will the mother

Why do turtles live in water and out of water?

becase turtles are nature water turtles and land turtles so they cn not drown or die i wanted to know what it was hen it was ot what i was looking for,i have a baby african boxing turtle and it is so cute lol,my mom found it on the beach with it's big big mama

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land

Can sea turtles die of thirst?

yes, if they swallow garbage then they can't swallow any water.