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Not always. I just started spotting brown when i had my miscarriage. didn't know it was happening until they did my hcg levels and they were going down. I had no cramps, just blood and blood clots.Although, I have heard the first period after a miscarriage can be heavier and more crampy, but I have not had it yet.

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Q: Will you be able to feel that you had a miscarriage if Im only 7 wks pregnant and is there always bad cramping so early?
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I have had all the symptoms of a miscarriage. was it a miscarriage?

Only your Doctor can truly answer this question. Was you definitely pregnant and was it confirmed by pregnancy test or blood test? If you are/was pregnant and you are now experiencing bleeding, abdominal cramping etc, you should go to A & E, Early Pregnancy Unit or contact your Doctor immediately.

My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant. I ovulated 9 days ago and have been cramping off and on...mostly on right side... with some days worse than others. Does this mean im pregnant?

It is possible. I knew when I ovulated with my first child and I had cramping like that. Mine was from a cyst that formed after the egg burst through which is why it was cramping only on side. With my other 2 children and with 1 miscarriage I also had cramping all over just from the changes in ligaments etc... My miscarriage was a blighted ovum and had nothing to do with the cramping. Slight cramping in early pregnancy is very common.

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No do not take Advil if you are pregnant, You can take Tylenol. If you are cramping it is a sign you might be threatening to miscarry. Treatment for threatened miscarriage is bed rest, no sex and see your doctor if symptoms worsen.

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

You started your period a week early Iv been spotting for 4 days brown discharge with light cramping could you be pregnant?

possibly, or it could be a very early miscarriage ....... or it could just be your body doing weird things during your period

Is heavy bleeding and cramping normal in early pregnancy?

I wouldn't think so. I would go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok. I have one kid and i never bled or had cramps while i was pregnant. I have heard of bleeding but not severe cramping.

How early during pregnancy can you have a miscarriage?

You can miscarry as early as when you find out you are pregnant or earlier. I just had a miscarriage at 20 weeks, and I know several people that have had one later.

What does the uterus feel like internally during pregnancy?

That can being as early as six weeks -- sometimes early if you have been pregnant in the past. If the cramping you feel is accompanied by blood or is excrutiating, contact your OBs office at once as you could be having a miscarriage.

May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

What if you had intercourse after 2 weeks of a miscarriage?

There are those who start ovulate this early so you can get pregnant.

Are you having a miscarriage if you are 6 weeks pregnant but you have bleeding and cramping as if you are having your period but you still have the signs of being pregnant?

this could be signs of an early m/c or it could be normal. i sugguest calling your doctor & going for a check-up. sometimes m/c can be avoided if you limit your activities & sometimes it just means there was something wrong with the egg & sperm when they joined. good luck. Month and a half? Very common to have miscarriages. Ususally SEVERE cramping though... then HEAVY bleeding. My 90% guess is a miscarriage, though.

Is clotting always associated with miscarriage during early pregnancy?

No. It is normal for a lot of women to experience clots during their period. But if your pregnant and you experience clots along with heavy bleeding, then this is usually a indication of a miscarriage. You need to see your OB or doctor for confirmation.