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serve in heaven with my family and gorgeous brother.

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Q: Would you serve in heaven or rule in hell?
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What reason does Satan give for choosing to reign in Hell rather than serve in heaven?

Satan chooses to reign in Hell rather than serve in Heaven because he believes that it is better to rule in a place of his own making than to serve under the authority of God in Heaven. He values his own freedom and autonomy above all else, even if it means being separated from God.

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Heaven. If the sun went to hell, The devils will rule the world and god and Jesus wont.

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In "Paradise Lost," Satan says he will never bow down to God or repent for his rebellious actions. He declares that he would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.

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Answer 1a heavenly law that gave the ruler the power to rule Answer 2The mandate of Heaven is that who makes good in his/her life will deserve the Paradise while who is doing bad will be pushed in Hell fire.

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42. Actually, if they knew, they would rule the world, wouldn't they? Most Mexican people is Roman Catholic, believing in heaven, hell, and most beliefs commonly held by Christians around the world.

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The Mandate of Heaven is a traditional Chinese philosophical concept. Tian would bless the authority of a just ruler, but would be displeased with a despotic ruler and would withdraw its mandate. The Mandate of Heaven would then transfer to those who would rule best.

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Idk but my family told me that the devil was an angel that tried to rule heaven but god sent him to hell

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how the hell should I know. the game would be boring if he didn't.

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Can Muslims go to hell?

If you believe in Islam, the rule isn't that ALL Muslim women go to heaven, regardless of whether they have committed any crimes or not.Equally, Muslim women are not barred from Heaven (how stupid would that be??).So yeah they can. Just like men. Strangely. -_-

Explain the role of the Mandate of Heaven within dynastic rule?

The Mandate of Heaven took popularity or personality out of dynastic rule. The dynasty endured as a Mandate from heaven regardless of the weakness of the rulers.