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Yes, for a girl her face stops growing at 14-15. If your a boy your face stops growing at 16. So for both boys and girls, 16 is fine. However some docotors do not perform on young people, but most will.

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Q: You are 16 years old and want to get a nose job Are you old enough?
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How long after a nose job will you be able to participate in sports such as skiing?

What the hell? That is a wierd question. If you ski with a nose job and you are a beginer there is a good chance you are going to fall. However if you have been skiing for a couple of years then go for it. And if you fall and screw up your face then go get another nose job. If your that rich jsut go get another nose job. And you probably aren't a good enough skier or a hard core skier if your getting a nose job. Good luck with that.

How old do you have to be for a nose job in Lebanon?

Most doctors in Lebanon will not do a nose job on a person that is under 18 years old. The nose is not fully developed until a person is between 15 and 16 years old.

Has Karen gillan had a nose job?

No pictures show years apart that her nose is the same shape. So thankfully, she's not had one

Why did Rhonda Ritter in Grease 2 want a nose job?

She hated her nose because it looked big and ugly.

Why does your nose job still hurt 5 years later It seems to be tender or infected is draining the nose an option?

See a doctor.

What are the risks if you are 15 and really want a nose job and are you allowed to get one?

Insurance will not pay for a nose job unless it is medically necessary. And at age 15, your parents would have to agree to the procedure.

Did Natalie Portman have a nose job?

No, she has never had a nose job.

What is the Youngest age possible to get a nose job?

(this is just my opinion) yes, unless it;s for medical reasons, don't you are beautiful the way you are

Does Zayn Malik have a nose job?

No, he hasn't gotten a nose job

Katie price nose job?

yes she had a nose job in L.A.

Does a nose job weaken the nose?


Zac Efron had a nose Job?

he might have got a nose job. but his nose doesn't look bad