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Yes, if you are healthy you should not have any problems losing weight at this age. It may be a little more difficult than for someone younger. The best would be to first check with your doctor to make sure your health is good enough to go onto a weight loss program.

Now you have to find a good diet that is balanced and calorie controlled and follow it faithfully. There are many options available online. Make sure it is not a fad diet. A fad diet can always be identified by the exceptionally small quantities of food you are allowed to eat as well as the fact that they normally forbid exercise while you are on them. The reason for this is that they do not supply you with enough calories to exercise safely.

Another way to recognize a fad diet is that you normally have to eat mainly one kind of food with very little variation.

Once you have decided on a diet that you think will suit you, the next step is to do some moderate exercise. If you are very unfit a brisk walk for about 30 minutes will be enough. Increase your exercise and the kind of exercise you do as your fitness level improves.

This is the only safe way to lose weight. do not fall for a fad diet, you will do yourslef no favors and you will only be setting yourself up for health problems!

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Q: You are 43 with 6 feet height and 240 weight how could you loss weight?
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