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See your personal physician as soon as possible. Furthermore, if it is possible, have the ER send your chart to your obstetrician/gynecologist for further review before your appointment. See your doctor within the next few days for more help and advice. According to the website, the normal level for a pregnancy of 5 weeks (since last menstrual period) is 18 to 7,340 mlU/mL of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Again, visit your personal physician for another test and his/her advice. Note from the Author: This answer has been provided by a medical professional, but not a medical doctor. The advice or answer located above should NOT take the place of your primary care physician's medical advice. Furthermore, this answer has been provided in accordance with WikiAnswers and disclaimers and policies. Do not reveal personal information within questions, as this is an anonymous service. In an emergency, hang up and dial 911 or your local emergency number. Contact your physician's exchange (usually provided through his/her office number) if you have questions or concerns after business hours. The author of this answer is not responsible for misguided or misinformed attempts to follow this advice. ALWAYS ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your or your child's health and do not use WikiAnswers as a substitute for proper medical advice and care provided by your personal physician.

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Q: You are five weeks pregnant and have light bleeding dark red and very small clots went to the er and they said my hcg is 267 maybe having early signs of a miscarriage is this true?
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Does bleeding clots only one time indicate a miscarriage?

If you have a confirmed pregnancy & was bleeding clots then this can indicate a miscarriage but you need to see your Docctor to confirm this with him. However if you was not pregnant but experienced clots during your period for the first time, then this is not caused by a miscarriage. Clots during a period is perfectly normal & may occur every period or only once a year. Its different in each Woman.

Is clotting always associated with miscarriage during early pregnancy?

No. It is normal for a lot of women to experience clots during their period. But if your pregnant and you experience clots along with heavy bleeding, then this is usually a indication of a miscarriage. You need to see your OB or doctor for confirmation.

Im having prolonged bleeding could that be signs of pregnancy its light red or burgundy with chunks could it be a miscarriage?

Prolonged Bleeding doesnt always mean you pregnant, stress can change patterens as well as having a unnormal period. If you think you pregnant n have a brownish discharge or heavey bleeding with clots i suggest seeing a doctor asap. It could mean a miscarriage an you may need medical attention, or even a prolong period may seen like a miscarriage. Either way seeing a doctor is the best way to go.

If you have your period while pregnant would you get big clots and a dark brownish color?

Clots during pregnancy is usually a indication of a miscarriage. Brown bleeding is usually old blood which isn't a normal period.

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and bleeding and passing blood clots with cramping can I still be pregnant in this condition?

You can't throw up a pregnancy or a miscarriage. You should go to the doctor now! You could have internal bleeding. Good luck and God Bless:)

Can you have a heavy period with blood clots and still have pregnancy symptoms could i still be pregnant or did i have a miscarriage?

You could have had a miscarriage, but even though you've suffered heavy bleeding with clots you could still be pregnant. It IS possible to be pregnant and still get your monthly period.Either way, if you haven't done already, you MUST get yourself checked by a doctor - 1) to find out if you are still pregnant, and 2) to check you are OK internally. If you have suffered a miscarriage you have to get checked out by a doctor in case everything hasn't come out yet. Sorry to be so graphic.Good luck

Can you have clots when having implantation bleeding?

Anytime you have bleeding there's a potential for clotting.

Is it a miscarriage if you have a Blood clot at 5 weeks pregnant?

Recently I experienced my third miscarriage at 4 weeks. I had two days of heavy bleeding and one day when a very large clot plopped into the toilet, which was the amniotic sac.Yes you do pass clots and tissue.Good luck and blessings!

I have had 3 positive hpt and then started bleeding 3 days ago no clots or paintook another test today day 3 and test negative but still feel pregnant do you think i have had a miscarriage?

You drink blood

7wks pregnant bleeding for a week with clots and cramping which is getting more severe what does this mean?

These can be signs and symptoms of a miscarriage. Immediate medical attention must be sought. The most common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester (first 12 weeks of pregnancy) is the female reproductive anatomy.

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

I had a period 3 weeks ago and i am bleeding again with big clots is this a miscarriage?

maybe but cycles vary joymaker rn