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Graves' Disease is an autoimmune condition in which the body makes antibodies that stimulate the excess production of thyroid hormones - called hyperthyroidism.

For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction, please seek the help of a board certified endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid problems.

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Q: You have hyperthyroid associated with graves disease?
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Which gland or hormone is affected when you have Graves Disease?

Graves' Disease is an autoimmune condition in which antibodies attack the TSH receptors of the thyroid gland typically causing a hypERthyroid condition.

What is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism?

Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are two that I know of. Grave's tends to have a steady stream of hyperthyroid symptoms while in Hashimoto's tyroiditis it might start out hyperthyroid and as the antibodies attack it will eventually dwindle down to hypothyroidism. Somtimes there will be bursts of hyperthyroid behavior as the thryoid gland is destroyed by antibodies in Hashimoto's thryoiditis.

What condiments should avoid if you have hyperthyroid?

If you have a hyperthyroid condition such as Graves Disease you must be mindful of how much iodine you ingest. As most salt used to cook or made available to you restaurants will be iodized it is best to avoid salty foods.

Anteriorly protruding eyes associated with hyperthyroidism is called?

The protruding eyes associated with Graves' Disease hyperthyroidism is called Exophthalmos.

Is thyrotoxicosis associated with hyperthyroidism?

Thyrotoxicosis is a hyperthyroid condition.

Does Susan sarandon have graves disease?

yes I believe she has Graves disease

Is graves dusease a autoimmune disorder?

Yes, Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease.

How many people have Graves Disease?

approximately 703,555 people in the US have graves disease

Can blood poisoning cause graves' disease?

No. Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease that causes a overactive thyroid gland.

An autoimmune thyroid disease that is caused by the thyroid gland being overactive is known as?

Well, Graves Disease is an autoimmune disease that can cause hyperthyroidism Also, Graves can cause Thyroid Eye Disease. So not sure if that has answered your question.

What is another name for thyrotoxic myopathy?

is known by several other names like hyperthyroid myopathy, Graves and Basedow's myopathy or Basedow paraplegia.

What is abnormal protrusion of the eyes associated with Graves disease?

Some people diagnosed with Graves' may develop a condition known as Graves' thyroid eye disease. When this occurs, the eyes look like they are protruding. As the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Centerdescribes, "The eyes are particularly vulnerable to Graves' eye disease, because the autoimmune attack often targets the eye muscles and connective tissue within the eye socket. This occurs because these tissues contain proteins that appear similar to the immune system as those of the thyroid gland."Related Article: The Difference Between Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Graves' Disease